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Thread: MGF (from S-P) delivery woes... toss it?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Western USA

    MGF (from S-P) delivery woes... toss it?

    I recently ordered both MGF and Lr3 IGF-1 from Steroid-Peptides. The IGF was delivered without a hitch. However, the MGF took about a week longer to show up. The geniuses at UPS decided to leave that little slip in my mailbox ... twice ... asking if it is okay to leave the package inside my gate (where, btw, they leave every other package they ever bring me...). Anyway, two responses and three days later, I finally get the two little vials of MGF with the "cool" pack -- which of course is no longer cool. It was a 100 degree day and the vials were warm to the touch.

    My question is this: am I screwed? Should I just toss them? Its hard to imagine they would still be viable, but thought I'd ask. I have to say it's a bit disappointing, given the $39 shipping charge for about a 12 ounce package.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Damn delivery drivers have done that to me before. One guy just chucked a box of GH in my back yard and didnt even leave a slip!! Hopefully one of the S-P guys can answer your question and do something about your situation.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I always have those sorts of deliveries sent to my PMB at the store, and this way it is at least in an air conditioned room.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Western USA
    bump for an answer to the question: is the MGF still viable given its exposure to the heat?

    Many thanks,


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I'd say your MGF is f*cked, but I doubt anyone knows for sure. May be a good idea to stock up during the winter months. One of the S-P guys will respond soon, sorry about your luck.

  6. #6
    I strongly believe once your order is shipped is out of S-P's control and unfortunately some couriers no matter how much the charge are very unreliable, is a chance to take and it does not happens very often but it does.

    I'd say try the MGF and see if you get the swelling effects at day#3 then you will know if still good or not, remember that icepacks help at keeping them at least cool.

    Let us know please.

    How many bottles was it?



  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Western USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlito B
    I strongly believe once your order is shipped is out of S-P's control and unfortunately some couriers no matter how much the charge are very unreliable, is a chance to take and it does not happens very often but it does.

    I'd say try the MGF and see if you get the swelling effects at day#3 then you will know if still good or not, remember that icepacks help at keeping them at least cool.

    Let us know please.

    How many bottles was it?


    Two bottles of MGF (ordered with 2 of IGF as well), Carlito...

    Many thanks for your reply, btw. I think that in the future I will have your shipments sent to my wife's office -- it's air-conditioned at least, and someone is always there during business hours. I'm a trauma surgeon and I don't have an office per se -- I work out of a hospital.

    I went ahead and reconstituted one of the bottles with BW and tried it one time in the pecs immediately PWO yesterday. I felt nothing, but will try it again tomorrow when I do my legs.

    Interestingly, the IGF simply caused pain when I tried it in my calves PWO, and the next day it hurt in my hamstrings (not a pump really -- just soreness, the kind you get when you haven't worked out too much before and your "friend" has you lift with him... I haven't had that in a long time...)

    All in all, I've used the IGF twice and just had pain and the MGF once with no noticeable effect. It's early and I'll keep going and let you know how it goes.

    Thanks again,


  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by jerol
    Two bottles of MGF (ordered with 2 of IGF as well), Carlito...

    Many thanks for your reply, btw. I think that in the future I will have your shipments sent to my wife's office -- it's air-conditioned at least, and someone is always there during business hours. I'm a trauma surgeon and I don't have an office per se -- I work out of a hospital.

    I went ahead and reconstituted one of the bottles with BW and tried it one time in the pecs immediately PWO yesterday. I felt nothing, but will try it again tomorrow when I do my legs.

    Interestingly, the IGF simply caused pain when I tried it in my calves PWO, and the next day it hurt in my hamstrings (not a pump really -- just soreness, the kind you get when you haven't worked out too much before and your "friend" has you lift with him... I haven't had that in a long time...)

    All in all, I've used the IGF twice and just had pain and the MGF once with no noticeable effect. It's early and I'll keep going and let you know how it goes.

    Thanks again,


    Please keep me posted.


    Last edited by Carlito B; 09-07-2006 at 05:31 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Not that I can comment on the MGF itself but I feel your pain about deliveries. I cant understand why it is so inconsistent among couriers. I have some leave packs at my door, some leave notes saying I have to go pick it up. Some ask for a signature...makes no sense. I had one really cool guy who delivered it and rang the doorbell as he left just so I would know its at the door.
    I truly wish there was some kind of fluidity among couriers.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Western USA
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Not that I can comment on the MGF itself but I feel your pain about deliveries. I cant understand why it is so inconsistent among couriers. I have some leave packs at my door, some leave notes saying I have to go pick it up. Some ask for a signature...makes no sense. I had one really cool guy who delivered it and rang the doorbell as he left just so I would know its at the door.
    I truly wish there was some kind of fluidity among couriers.
    It's tough for me, because I have a gate to my property (I live in a rural area) and all the packages have to be left at the gate. I order a LOT of stuff online (books, etc) and I know all the delivery guys, but every once in a while they get a bit lazy and just leave the note -- even when I'm at home (when all they needed to do is use the phone that is at the gate to call the house).

    I had no idea the MGF needed to be kept cold. Had I known that, I would have definitely had it delivered to the wife's office. Come to think of it, if I decide to try it again, I'll definitely go that route.

    BTW, after two PWO shots of MGF -- no effect. IGF is causing me some nice soreness, maybe a mild pump effect. Again, too early to tell... will keep you posted. Leg day today... let's see how the quads respond...


  11. #11

    Last edited by Carlito B; 09-08-2006 at 10:29 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Western USA

    I've now tried the MGF 3 times, injecting 50 mcg/side into the muscle worked within 10 minutes PWO and have felt nothing. I'm now inclined to just toss it, truthfully.

    On the other hand, Lr3 IGF-1 at low doses (20-30 mcg/side PWO) is causing me to have incredible pumps and soreness -- the kind you would get if you did a brutal workout when you were completely untrained. I injected quads on Wednesday and they are still sore today (Saturday). Yesterday I injected pecs (20 mcg/side) and they felt like they were going to explode! It may be coincidental, but my weight is up 2 lbs this week (for reference, I am 6'3", 44 years old, 190 lbs, 10% BF and have never used any AAS/GH in the past -- virgin receptors!).

    I will try MGF in the future (the thought of using both IGF and MGF is appealing from the purely theoretical standpoint).... I'll just be smarter about the delivery...


  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by jerol

    I've now tried the MGF 3 times, injecting 50 mcg/side into the muscle worked within 10 minutes PWO and have felt nothing. I'm now inclined to just toss it, truthfully.

    On the other hand, Lr3 IGF-1 at low doses (20-30 mcg/side PWO) is causing me to have incredible pumps and soreness -- the kind you would get if you did a brutal workout when you were completely untrained. I injected quads on Wednesday and they are still sore today (Saturday). Yesterday I injected pecs (20 mcg/side) and they felt like they were going to explode! It may be coincidental, but my weight is up 2 lbs this week (for reference, I am 6'3", 44 years old, 190 lbs, 10% BF and have never used any AAS/GH in the past -- virgin receptors!).

    I will try MGF in the future (the thought of using both IGF and MGF is appealing from the purely theoretical standpoint).... I'll just be smarter about the delivery...

    Hey bro, using 50mcgs will not do much.


    Last edited by Carlito B; 09-09-2006 at 10:37 AM.

  14. #14
    I also want to post this info for you:


    2mg MGF dilutes in 2mls of bac water or sterile water and kept in fridge,
    must be used within 2 weeks max!

    MGF is to be injected IM on muscles one wants to improve only and no more
    than 2 weeks per muscle group.

    MGF can be injected either 6 to 12 hours before a workout or 45 minutes
    post work out, either way is fine.

    If you want to improve tris and biceps then inject on biceps and triceps no less
    than 100mcgs and no more than 200mcgs on each muscle every day for 2 weeks. It
    does not matter if the next day you are going to work a muscle which is
    not related as still we work all of our muscles when exercising some of
    them just not directly.

    On biceps let's say : inner or outer head ( 200mgs each )
    On triceps let'say: horseshoe or inner head ( back of arm ) 200mgs each daily.

    Please remember to:

    Eat lots of protein
    Increase workout intensity to induce more fiber damage
    Best when stacked with IGF-1Lr3 and/or other performance enhancer ie. AAS.
    Ideal for PCT, towards the end of a cycle, pre-contest ( if you compete ) or any time whether OFF or ON.

    The above was just an example but you can work 2 different muscles every 2
    weeks, so maybe :

    week #1 and #2: you apply to biceps and triceps
    week#3 and #4 : you apply to pecs and delts
    week #5 and #6: either you start again with biceps and triceps or simply
    chose other muscle groups like let's say calves and hamstrings ?

    I want to mention again that you need to use no leass than 100mcgs, honestly 50mcgs will not do much if nothing at all.

    In my trials I have always used 200mcgs per muscle.



  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Western USA
    Thanks, C.

    I'll try 100mcg/side (200mcg total dose) EDx5 for the next week (it only has a week of viability left anyway) and will try it in the legs/calves, since that's where I'm lacking... Also, this is being done pre-AAS cycle -- the theory being to cause new cell formation with the MGF/IGF and then to hypertrophy those cells with my cycle.

    Will keep you posted.

    Last edited by jerol; 09-09-2006 at 01:14 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Western USA
    As a follow up:

    I have seen no effect from MGF, making me almost certain it was irreparably damaged from heat during the shipping fiasco (my fault for not specifying my wife's office -- as I will in the future). I used one bottle over a 10 day period mainly injecting PWO (though tried twice 6 hrs pre-WO with no effect either).

    IGF-1, on the other hand, has been great. With immediate PWO injections I feel a great pump in the injected muscles which lasts about 2 days, and have gained 3 lbs over the first two weeks of use (I have stuck to an EOD schedule using 20-30 mcg/side -- low dose, I know, but I have great concern over long term sides and purposely started conservatively).


  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by jerol
    As a follow up:

    I have seen no effect from MGF, making me almost certain it was irreparably damaged from heat during the shipping fiasco (my fault for not specifying my wife's office -- as I will in the future). I used one bottle over a 10 day period mainly injecting PWO (though tried twice 6 hrs pre-WO with no effect either).

    IGF-1, on the other hand, has been great. With immediate PWO injections I feel a great pump in the injected muscles which lasts about 2 days, and have gained 3 lbs over the first two weeks of use (I have stuck to an EOD schedule using 20-30 mcg/side -- low dose, I know, but I have great concern over long term sides and purposely started conservatively).

    Bro, I have an extra vial of MGF I can send to you for free! PM me if interested.



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