View Poll Results: Did MGF work for you for localized growth?

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  • No- didn't do a thing.

    2 18.18%
  • Yes - but not worth talking about

    1 9.09%
  • Yes- but only slightly

    0 0%
  • Yes - decent results

    0 0%
  • Yes - awesome results

    1 9.09%
  • Don't know

    7 63.64%
Results 1 to 15 of 15

Thread: Did MGF work for you for Localized growth

  1. #1

    Did MGF work for you for Localized growth

    The other thread about MGF and localized growth wasn't productive, and wasn't producing any good information about MGF and Localized growth.

    Please discuss that topic in this thread.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    can we discuss it even if it goes against SP products?? just a question so please don't delete this post

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    im 3 days into the combi mgf+igf (500mcg mgf ED and 100mcg IGF ED), ill give an update when im using it for 2 weeks..
    untill now i get the pump from it, but i would also get that on igf we will see how its goin..

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by pscarb
    can we discuss it even if it goes against SP products?? just a question so please don't delete this post
    If you think MGF sucks, and it didn't work for you, then that's something we want to hear about. If it's great, and it works for you, then that's something we want to hear about also.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Can MGF be taken from a refridgerated state back to room temp and sent in the post without killing it/fu*king it up ?
    Last edited by needbigguns; 09-14-2006 at 01:37 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by fred9
    im 3 days into the combi mgf+igf (500mcg mgf ED and 100mcg IGF ED), ill give an update when im using it for 2 weeks..
    untill now i get the pump from it, but i would also get that on igf we will see how its goin..
    I thought 200mcg's per day was the maximum dosage...
    How would you suggest the best way to effectivley use 1 bottle of MGF (2Mg's - if i ever recive one) - Wanting to use it on my biceps

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    yeah 200mcg is the recommend dosage, what i read about mgf...100mcg in left and 100mcg in right bicep would be fine i think...
    problem is that i got 10mg/vial, so i need to bump the amount i inject..dunno how long mgf can be stored reconstituted...ive read 2 weeks, somewhere else 5 weeks..and also 1/2 a year...

  8. #8
    Hello GUYS!

    Once diluted is best to use it within 7 to 10 days.

    Up to 200mcgs on EACH MUSCLE would be fine, let's say you want to improve biceps then I'd inject them 200mcgs on each side daily a total of 400mcgs for no more than 10 days then take a break and start another muscle..or you could do biceps and triceps at the same time since they are not the same muscles too. BUT what is important is NOT to exceed dosages and period of time on one particular muscle as what would happen is OVERSATURATION of cells meaning too many new cells and not enough room for them and as a result going into waste.

    I also think maybe a 5mg vial would be ideal.



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns
    Can MGF be taken from a refridgerated state back to room temp and sent in the post without killing it/fu*king it up ?
    - Anyone help with the above question, say the bottle has just been put in the fridge but not mixed with water or acetic acid - just from comming in the post


    S0 100mcg in each bicep (200mcg per day in total) - for 10 days would be an effective way to run a 2mg bottle of MGF yes ? What could i expect in terms of gains ? 0.25 of an inch... or 0.5 of an inch increase ? I arnt really expecting miracles from this stuff... but id like some kind of indication

    Also which would be better - 100mcg's per muscle - 200mcgs in total per day for 10 days - or 200mcg's per muscle - 400mcgs in total per day for 5 days - which would yeild the most gains

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns
    - Anyone help with the above question, say the bottle has just been put in the fridge but not mixed with water or acetic acid - just from comming in the post


    S0 100mcg in each bicep (200mcg per day in total) - for 10 days would be an effective way to run a 2mg bottle of MGF yes ? What could i expect in terms of gains ? 0.25 of an inch... or 0.5 of an inch increase ? I arnt really expecting miracles from this stuff... but id like some kind of indication

    Also which would be better - 100mcg's per muscle - 200mcgs in total per day for 10 days - or 200mcg's per muscle - 400mcgs in total per day for 5 days - which would yeild the most gains


    In powder form ( not diluted ) it can last up to 6 months in the fridge ( 35 to 45 degrees )

    I know it can get very confusing and that is why this peptide is its research stage as there is still more to learn from, that it works yes it does! some say is active only from 10 to 20 minutes after adminstered..sure then I'd suggest injecting within 45 minutes after your work out if you believe this theory that way you will be adding more MGF to an already natural surge of MGF that was induced by natural producing IGF-1 after a work out, by adding more MGF then you are sppeding up the recovery proccess and inducing a greater cell proliferation as well. To this date I tried both pre and post work out and both worked fine but i did learn not to exceed 2 weeks on same muscle., this is not like AAS that you can cycle 8 to 12 weeks, please realize this guys.

    For example there is a Myostatin inhibitor ( ACVR2B ) which based on recent studies it needs to be injected 1 injection weekly for only 2 weeks! doing so this can increase muscle mass by 40% to 60%! ***why am I comparing these two? **** I am glad you ask..well..I have been reading up on MGF and I learned that MGF "temporarily inhibits/delays" myostatin expression which makes sense since you are adding exogenous MGF which primary function is to active satellite cells so when this happens naturally in order to keep things "normal" in our bodies, myostatin comes into place by stopping/regulating this proccess BUT since we inject/add more MGF this will delay/inhibit myostatin expression, i have great hope for the future of MGF.

    To answer your second question, well I know of one guy that injected 100mcgs on each muscle of his body and to be more precise he wanted to do a whole body treatment for 2 weeks so he injected:

    200mcgs on R bicep and L bicep
    200mcgs on R tricep and L tricep
    200mcgs on R pecs and L pecs
    200mcgs on R delt and L delt
    200mcgs on R calve and L calve
    200mcgs on R quad and L quad

    Everyday for 14 days!

    That was a total of 2,400 mcgs or 2.4mgs daily! now this is an extreme way of doing it. I would work on 2 muscles every 10 days until I accomplish my goals but I would not cycle ON 10 days on tris and bis and go on without taking another 10 days off or same amount of time cycled.

    .....Is all up to you and how you want to do it. Remember that when you exercise back you are working your biceps too, when working chest and delts you are working your triceps as well so basically ED administration for 10 to 14 days is OK.


    Last edited by Carlito B; 09-14-2006 at 12:47 PM.

  11. #11
    I would also like to add that natural MGF expression is higher in younger individuals than older individuals in their mid 30s and up, this also indicates a better response from exogenous MGF administration in an older subject.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    so how long can MGF be stored for at normal room temperature

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns
    so how long can MGF be stored for at normal room temperature

    Well, I was told that if exposed to extreme hot temperatures for prolonged periods of time it may damage the peptide just like is the case with GH and GH is a lot more sensitive than MGF and is shipped from Europe to the states and even though it has icepacks ( most of the times that I know of ) it only takes a few days and still makes it alright so i assume the MGF would be fine if shipped from the USA to Europe but I would immediately place it in the fridge and would also be ready to pick it up when the mail carrier is scheduled to deliver it.



  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    If you think MGF sucks, and it didn't work for you, then that's something we want to hear about. If it's great, and it works for you, then that's something we want to hear about also.
    glad to hear you say this i believe in no bullsh1t opinions

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Running : 600 mcg mgf with IGF+HGH+SLIN.
    So far insane pump.
    Will keep you updated on the progress

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