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Thread: Insulin: Exogenous versus Endogneous

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Insulin: Exogenous versus Endogneous

    Something I have been wondering about and I would appreciate some clarification... and studies if anyone has any...

    Can someone please explain how the use of exogneous insulin compares to the bodies natural production on a "normal" non-diabetic male?

    For example, I can tollerate 10IU's of insulin with 100 grams of Dextrose just fine. But that is a supraphysiological dose right? And... is that 10 IU compounded with a natural production is or it completely shut down by the outside intervention?

    Simply put...

    What is the body's natural insulin response to 100 grams of Dextrose in a "normal" non-diabetic man? How does it compare to exogenous use?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Rodge? Jayhova?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Dam it!! I was hoping I wasn't going to be called on for this one, LOL. Reason being that I dont know. I highly doubt Rodge will comment although he would have some great insight on this. With all the changes that have gone on lately I havent seen him around much.

    I wouldn't think that it would be completely shut down by the outside intervention of Slin. Reason being that I have yet to see any studies stating that the use of exogenous Slin with a "healthy" non-diabetic male will cause dependancy.

    I can't answer this nor would know where to go to for information. Plenty of studies on Slin for diabetics but I haven't seen too many on "healthy" males.

    Wish I could help buddy...

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