Someone ho have expersience about this...Is there big differences between doseges 4iu and 6iu/ed?
I`m now on 4iu/ed, 5on 2off and wondering to bump dose up to 6iu, but am I gonna notice nothing else than it´s cost more ..
Thanks for replys
Someone ho have expersience about this...Is there big differences between doseges 4iu and 6iu/ed?
I`m now on 4iu/ed, 5on 2off and wondering to bump dose up to 6iu, but am I gonna notice nothing else than it´s cost more ..
Thanks for replys
I felt a bit more pumped in the gym with 6IU over using 4IU.My injuries also seemed to be healing a bit faster. As I went along I increased my dose by 1IU every other week or so until I peaked out at 9IU/day and then the sides got really bad. Ive had to drop down to 4IU/day and run that for a month to get rid of the sides. If I were you I wouldnt increase the dose more than 1IU/day. Go up to 5IUs and see how that works for you. If youre not careful youll run into sides and have to back off like I did. Overall I feel like the higher doses are worth it.
I have been on 10 iu eod for over two months and notice a big difference. I was previously on 4 iu's ed. I have better recovery and fat burning is increased as well.
so can i just start out with 10 iu's eod or do i have to starts with less i just want the most out of 700 iu's i will deal with the sides as long as they are only temp. and what would be a good amount of aas to use with this to see max. results
Slowly rampup to desired dose by .5 every week or two, this should keep sides to a minimum
This is by far safest way in terms of minimizing sides. I went from 3 iu's to 5 and then 10 iu's eod and have not had any problems, but keep in mind that as stated above ramping up slowly will hopefully prevent sides that might cause you to have to quit or slowdown. Good luck!Originally Posted by FranKieC
You do it that way and the sides will kick your ass, I can almost gaurantee that !!!Originally Posted by lieusion
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