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Thread: IGF & rha**omyolysis

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    IGF & rha**omyolysis

    My wife just got out of the hosipital and she was diagnosed with rha**omyolysis. We & the Doctors are clueless to why she had this. The only factor that she did do different was start to use IGF-1-LR3, and all she did was use about 3 injections.

    Could the IGF1-LR3 be the cause of her being inflicted with rha**omyolysis?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I cannot give you a definitive answer on whether or not LR3 played a specific role in your wifes condition, but I was intrigued so I looked around. It seems that this condition could affect any athelete, anyone who trains hard, or anyone who doesn't stay well hydrated. As this could affect any one of us and I have never heard of anyone getting diagnosed with this, I would assume that the LR3 didn't cause this, but just to stay on the safe side, I would keep your wife off of LR3 and see what happens. If eventually she feels she should try it again I would really monitor her closely and pay attention for any symptoms (also have her drink alot of water). I wish your wife a speedy recovery and good luck to both of you.

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