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Thread: GH question on when to mix..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    north east

    GH question on when to mix..

    I plan on getting about 400 IU's of Jino GH. Ive never done GH before, but I am ready to try it out for a few months. I'm 24 years old, 210 lbs 6''3. I was planning on taking 4 IU every day 5 days on and 2 days off. But Ive also heard taking like 6 IU every other day might work better. But my question is, once I get my GH I know I have to put it in the fridge right away. But do I mix all the vials right away? Or do I have to mix everytime I want to take a shot. So how long does the GH last once they are mixed and refridgerated? LMK Thanks bros.

  2. #2
    What are you trying to get out of the GH use is the question.. 5-6iu's isn't going to do much of anything at your age.

    You mix each vial as you use it.. wait until you get the HGH, open it up and then it should be pretty self-explanitory.. Each kit will come with either 10 or 20 vials, each containing 10iu's of GH. You'll add 1mL of sterile water to a 10iu vial of GH and then use what is needed and then store the rest in the fridge. Do a search on this stuff, all your answer and more are in the database here on AR.

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