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Thread: igf-1 pct?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    igf-1 pct?

    what r ur thoughts on running igf-1 starting pct and what kinda gaines could sameone hope for(or results)

    current cycle
    1-13 test e 600mg
    1-12 eq 500mg
    1-5 test p 75 mg ed
    pct as follows

    7 days past last injection start hcg 250ui ed
    continue for 7 days 7th day 500ui
    day 1-4 start of pct
    1. 300 mg clomid 20mg nolva 20 mcgs clen
    2. 200 mg clomid 20 nolva 40 mcgs clen
    3. 150 mg clomid 20 nolva 60 mcgs clen
    4. 100mg clomid 20 nolva 80 mcgs clen(up 20mcgs ed till 120 mcgs ed
    continue clomid nolva same dosage till 14th day of pct
    then drop clomid, continue nolva for the reminder of my 30 day pct starting 1000ui vitamin E after drop clomid

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    maybe just one reply would be apreciated
    would it be worthit to run during pct

  3. #3
    from what i read a lot of people that run a cycle of gear, do take igf as kind of like a bridge from cycle to cycle.. i think its one of the better pct products if thats what you want to use it for... it will keep a high percentage of your gains meanwhile drop a few % in bodyfat.. i have also seen people run it just as a cycle alone and have gained like 9 pounds and said the pumps are almost painful and very vascular... I plan on taking igf and clomid as my pct after test suspension

  4. #4
    have you tried HMG? Human menopausal gonadotrophine it stimulates both FSH and LH production so your balls get bigger and your sperm production increases so its better then HCG but the best thing is to mix it with hcg ,
    75iu hmg 2x week and 500iu of hcg 4x week (or 2x 1000ius) and clomid or nolva

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    i think in time lr3 will become as standard in pct as clomid/nolva is.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by pumpd4lif
    what r ur thoughts on running igf-1 starting pct
    I will never ever run another PCT without LR3. I have used it twice in PCT and the results were great.. Retention rate of gains were much higher then the times I have ran PCT without it.

    As Rodge stated, I"m sure it will become more and more common as time goes on and people are more comfortable with it..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by rodge
    i think in time lr3 will become as standard in pct as clomid/nolva is.

    I would agree if the price will come down. I mean I have seen UGLs selling much cheaper than research companies but for many people that is the only option. At $175 a gram that is a rip off. If they would sell it at say $100 a gram I think more people would buy it for PCT.

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