Lets see what everyone like as a kicker.. myslef I dont care to kick start.. i like the old way of just waiting my cycle out... but when i have a need i use TEST P or test SUSP .. so whats yours
Test P
Lets see what everyone like as a kicker.. myslef I dont care to kick start.. i like the old way of just waiting my cycle out... but when i have a need i use TEST P or test SUSP .. so whats yours
ily drol... ps i only like short esters so test p would be my base.. making the test options ... not really options. and i havent tried dbol i dont like the half life...
b u t... still... ily drol
d-bol here..
it depends.. prop for my lean cycle, dbol for my bulker..
drol is the sh!t
i voted test prop as the gains you make are more "real" than d-bol imo,i mean lets say you do a cycle of dbol and test e at the end do you think you would have gained more than if the cycle had been test alone?or is it just the strength,bloat that you want?
Depends on goals for the cycle, either go with prop or dbol
Just for straight bulking, in order of preference I would go with:
Test sup all the way.
no one use t-bol?
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