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Thread: Thoughts on Jin?

  1. #1
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    Thoughts on Jin?

    Have been reading up and what to get some clarification on usage of Jin..

    Would it be a bad idea to do approx 5ius a day 4x a week (workout days)
    I ask because, well, Im trying to be a little conservative financially. I see kits come with 100 so thats 20days worth. Well 20days is 1month if I do only on the workout days.

    And then I was also wondering if a cycle of 3mo was too little?

  2. #2
    4 days a week? drop it down to 4iu/day and do 5 on 2 off, non-stop i feel is best but whatever works i suppose...also..6 months would be better..if you dont have the money just go with a cheaper brand than jino.

  3. #3
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    i keep reading hygetropin is cheaper but i cant find it cheaper than jin, lol

    since 4x5 is 20 a week, what if i did 3iu x 7days? or better to do 4 or 5days a week only?

  4. #4
    BG's Avatar
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    Its better to go with 5/2 imo, gives your body 2 days off and allows natural production to restart.

  5. #5
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    BigGuns Any data to back that up, I'de like to see it.?
    as all of the literature i have seen on GH recovery it takes alot longer than 2 days...

    the only reason any one would choose 5/2 over ed use is financial....
    Last edited by pscarb; 11-02-2006 at 02:17 PM.

  6. #6
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pscarb
    BigGuns Any data to back that up, I'de like to see it.?
    as all of the literature i have seen on GH recovery it takes alot longer than 2 days...

    the only reason any one would choose 5/2 over ed use is financial....
    I was actualy going on the active life of it, that my Igf levels returned to normal less then a week after being up at 410. Pinn had also recovered in less the a week I believe after being on for I believe years. Im not saying you fully recover, but it doesnt supress you totally over a long period of time. Ide love to see your data on recovery and any on how long it takes for IGF levels to fully elavate, Ive had a hard time finding any.Wetrher it be here or a pm is fine.

  7. #7
    Thr original Rudmann et. al. 1990 paper in the New England Journal of Medicine that "started" the HGH anti-aging trend dosed M-W-F, though fairly high (about 6IU for 165#, 10IU for 260#) so there is solid evidence for 3X/week. Many of the other literature since actually does 7 days a week, so it seems there is hardly a wrong answer.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    I was actualy going on the active life of it, that my Igf levels returned to normal less then a week after being up at 410. Pinn had also recovered in less the a week I believe after being on for I believe years. Im not saying you fully recover, but it doesnt supress you totally over a long period of time. Ide love to see your data on recovery and any on how long it takes for IGF levels to fully elavate, Ive had a hard time finding any.Wetrher it be here or a pm is fine.
    i said from what i had read over the yrs this is what i had learnt but in your original post you clearly said that 2 days off is enough time for natural GH production to restart so all i am asking is where is your data to back this up that is all if however you are going by how you feel after 2 days then thats a diffrent thing....

  9. #9
    BG's Avatar
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    How can you say it doesnt when its recomenned not to inject before bed because of you natural release during sleep?

  10. #10
    Except for those protocols that do evening injections...I think the thing is that most of this amounts to attempts to apply general rules and common sense principals to an area where the data just do not exist. I have seen nothing in the literature that even documents exogenous repression of natural production (though I do not doubt it), let alone recovery of natural production etc.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by vermin
    Except for those protocols that do evening injections...I think the thing is that most of this amounts to attempts to apply general rules and common sense principals to an area where the data just do not exist. I have seen nothing in the literature that even documents exogenous repression of natural production (though I do not doubt it), let alone recovery of natural production etc.
    Me either, thats why I was interested in seeing what information he had. I thought most were "theories", with no data. Im asking a few strong minds I know to see if there is any studies.

  12. #12
    BG's Avatar
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    Ive been wondering this also because of the recomendation not to eat a 1/2 hour before and after GH shot.

  13. #13
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    BigGuns - i understand why your asking but all i said was that i was going by what i had read over the yrs now you was the first to state about GH recovery after 2 days off so i think it is only right seeing as you made the first statement to provide the data to back up what you said...either place it on here or PM me....

    And i never said it doesn't effect natural production in fact it is painfully obvious use external GH does effect Natural production my query is the fact you said by having two days off you can go towards restarting natty production again i am not saying you are totally wrong but from what i have read it takes more than 48hrs to restart natty production if i am wrong i am big enough to admit it and learn something new but to do that you need to back up your claim....

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