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Thread: thinking of changing my mind (help needed)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    new jersey

    thinking of changing my mind (help needed)

    ok well im 22 and was just about to order gh.. i wanted to use it for about 6 months.. my main goals are to gain weight and strength and mass.. now everyone says that it is a waste of money to do it so young and it is a lot of money so i was thinking of using ghrp-6 (sp) and igf1... how should i incorporate this to my cycle... taking deca-sust-dbol maybe using test suspension 2 times a day not sure yet... think it was a wise decision to change from gh to igf and ghrp?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I started at 20 and have been on 6 ius for 21/2 years with insulin if u can afford it and Juice do it. Run it for atlest a year at 4-5 ius or just spend the money on juice aka tren

  3. #3
    question along the same lines as diesl

    im 25 looking to lose bf and gain muscle (like everyone else) however i have no intention of getting huge because i dont have time for actual weights my work out consists of 3-4 days of cardio and 1-1.5 hrs of legs/abs/upper in calesthenics...

    i want to start up gh but after reading alot of the things im wondering if i should just go with igf?

    any suggestions?

    tnx bros

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by DIESELPWR
    ok well im 22 and was just about to order gh.. i wanted to use it for about 6 months.. my main goals are to gain weight and strength and mass.. now everyone says that it is a waste of money to do it so young and it is a lot of money so i was thinking of using ghrp-6 (sp) and igf1... how should i incorporate this to my cycle... taking deca-sust-dbol maybe using test suspension 2 times a day not sure yet... think it was a wise decision to change from gh to igf and ghrp?

    someone of our age has good natural HGH levels so not needed, you may find more benefit from using igf then hgh at your age. Do you plan to compete?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    new jersey
    i do plan on it.. not at the moment.. im not near ready but i want to one day!

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