i think its a joke
hahaha... "being gay is nothing but a choice" I have friends who would beat the shit outta that fat fvck
wow "god hates fags" .... maybe not a joke the further I listen, what a tool
funny thing is he looks pretty queer himself
ps. i have nothing against gay people
ROFL wtf seems like a joke
Originally Posted by Foskamink
Thats what I said. It's like some dickhead trying to fight the urge or something,hahahahha
it has to be a joke
i could only handle 45 seconds of that because it's stupid.
"to get into heaven theres no backdoor"
It's kinda hard to tell if it's a joke or not . . .
I wouldn't have thought www.godhatesfags.com was real, but it is . . .
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