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Thread: My thoughts on hygetropin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    My thoughts on hygetropin

    After being on this for a while I honestly think that Jintropin is better!

    When I first switched from jin to hyge everything seemed pretty much the same and I even felt like hyge was producing a little more sides but after a while the fat burning slowed and even stopped compared to the same dose I was taking for jintropin. The sides and tightening of the skin were less after a while too. I don't know if it's because my body got used to hyge quickly (if that is even possible) or maybe it degrades faster in the fridge? The jin made me sleepy all the time and I was like a cat taking naps all day, much less with the hyge.

    I switched back to jintropin a couple of days ago and I'm like a cat napping again and the damn sides are killin me, it hurt to hold the phone talking to my old lady tonight.

    I am going to come back to this thread in a month and post again about hyge-jin and I should really be ready to give a comparison by then..

    Anyones thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    i must be getting a diffrent batch i have been on hygetropin for 40 weeks and i am still getting the same fatloss as when i did when i started....

  3. #3
    i am new here and was wondering if you are ordering direct from china and if so has it been successful....ever get ripped off?

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