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Thread: MGF- Best protocol for use

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    by the sea in England

    Question MGF- Best protocol for use

    I am new to MGF but thought i'de give it a go.

    Done my research but seem to find many conflicting views as to dosage and times to inject.

    Anyone with experience of use, it would be helpful if you could give a little guidance as to dosages.

    Im going to be using for biceps and traps only,was thinking of 75mcg each bi and similar for each traps.

    Now bearing in mind the bicep has 2 parts would i have to go 75mcg in long head and short??

    As for timing i thought post workout,but would it be say mon+tue if i trained bi's mon and traps tue,or would i need to run throughout week,as this seems pointless once muscles trained have fully recovered,or would it be better to go mon+tue on bi's and wed thur on traps, if i trained traps on wed,as it would take 2 days to be at least 80% recovered.

    Also would it be ok to reconstitute in sodium chloride B.P 0.9% as this is not the peg version.

    Hope someone out there can help.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    by the sea in England

    Has anyone used MGF???

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    I am running it along with IGF-1 during PCT now. Ive been doing 200mcgs PWO bi-laterally in each muscle worked (400mcgs total) and then doing 50mcgs IGF-1 45-60 minutes later. Im three weeks into PCT and I havent lost any weight. My arms are really vascular and the pumps are great. I hadnt seen my girl in over a week and when I saw her the other day, she said I looked I guess its working pretty well

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