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Thread: This is how I would spend $100 million (after taxes)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    This is how I would spend $100 million (after taxes)

    If I won the current lotto that just passed and was able to pocket $100million after taxes, this is how I would spend it. How would you?

    $50 million - Safe, long term, low-risk investments, such as municipal bonds.
    $30 million - More aggressive invesments - oil, gas, real estate
    $5 million - Split between my own house, shop, and lots of vehicles (including a 1964 corvette installed with a 2007 LS7 corvette motor and tranny)
    $5-10 million - Learjet I'd use for personal travel, lease it out when not used.
    $100,000 - Trip to somewhere exotic with 20 of my closest friends
    $600,000 - Pay off my mortgage, and both of my parents mortgages
    $200,000 - Give to my grandparents so they didnt have to worry anymore.
    $100,000 - Initial money I'd give to a few selected friends

    That about covers it, more or less.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Here there and everywhere
    i think i would do the same, only id include some sort of monster cycle in there as well. Also i think id buy all the gyms in my town n kik out al the asses who make life difficult for other users

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    you tight ****. 100 million and u'd only give 0.1% to your mates!?!?!?

    I'd probably give 25 mil at least to my best mates

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    you tight ****. 100 million and u'd only give 0.1% to your mates!?!?!?

    I'd probably give 25 mil at least to my best mates
    lol, yea I am. thats why I said 'initial'. I dont believe in buying friendship. My friends would benefit from just being around me and getting whatever free shit that trickled down their way. I'm just not sure I'd give too many people large lump sums of money. Maybe setup some trust funds for their kids education, perhaps pay off a couple of my friends mortgages and whatnot. I can only think of 2-3 people right off the bat that really went out of their way (without me having to ask) to help me, knowing that they wouldnt benefit from it. Those guys would for sure get the hook up from me.

    Id give it a couple years and see who was still my friend after I won such a prize. Im sure relationships would change drastically after becoming so rich.

  5. #5
    Ill cycle it..hahah...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    You obviously have no idea how to handle finances.

    That is ridiculous.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Middle East
    I'll wait before responding...I'm interested to see how some guys in here who do investments for a living will respond...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Canada eh
    id throw a $100 million dollar crack party

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Everything you say sounds good except the Lear Jet. Do you have any idea how much it cost, not only in maintenance, but pilot, and fuel is thru the roof. It imo is a waste of $ and you could travel first class at less cost just buying your tickets to anywhere in the world for nothing, comfared to buying a Lear. Oh and did i mention leasing a hanger to store it?

  10. #10
    Worst thread ever

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in dreamy land
    well that's an interesting one of those money haters there buddy?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Mid-East Coast
    2-3 cars - $500,000
    farm - $1,000,000.00
    beach house - $1,000,000.00
    family and friends - hard to say but pry about $5,000,000.00
    misc goods - $3-5,000,000.00

    Then the rest would go in the bank....I would stay humble and continue to work....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by mick-g
    Everything you say sounds good except the Lear Jet. Do you have any idea how much it cost, not only in maintenance, but pilot, and fuel is thru the roof. It imo is a waste of $ and you could travel first class at less cost just buying your tickets to anywhere in the world for nothing, comfared to buying a Lear. Oh and did i mention leasing a hanger to store it?

    here's learjets flagship model.
    You deff don't need something this nice and can get into a NICELY equipped for around a million.
    On -call pilot gonna run you about $75,000 a year on the top end.
    it'll cost you about $450-$600 an hour to operate.
    considering it holds 10 people, and flys fater than a commercial it would be cheaper to take this plane from new york to florida and back then it would for you and all your frineds to buy coach tickets on us air!
    and a hanger space.....anywhere from 175$-600$ a month

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    100 million is more than anyone needs in their lifetime to live a comfortable lifestyle permanently. There's no point in investing.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    well that's an interesting one of those money haters there buddy?
    Nope, it's just what he would do with it is a disgrace to his family and to himself.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason865
    Nope, it's just what he would do with it is a disgrace to his family and to himself.
    how do you figure that? looks like a good plan to me.........who are you to judge what he wants and would do with money.......what would you give it to charity or something retarded? If i won the lottery not one red cent would i give away to people outside my family......if i win i deserve it and i'm gonna spend it however the hell i want.....if you wanna give it away or something fine....but don't chastise those that put themselves first like i believe they should

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by Dude-Man
    100 million is more than anyone needs in their lifetime to live a comfortable lifestyle permanently. There's no point in investing.
    ok not can never have enough money.......and what else are you gonna do with it anyway? might as well use it to make more money while it's sittin around......leave it to your family for years to come.....or figure out the secret of immortality eh?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    You obviously have no idea how to handle finances.

    That is ridiculous.
    Really, whats wrong with the way I'd spend it? 85% of what I win would go directly into invesments. Sounds pretty responsible to me.

    Not to mention I'd have some great financial advisers to guide me through it. I think I'd do just fine.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by mick-g
    Everything you say sounds good except the Lear Jet. Do you have any idea how much it cost, not only in maintenance, but pilot, and fuel is thru the roof. It imo is a waste of $ and you could travel first class at less cost just buying your tickets to anywhere in the world for nothing, comfared to buying a Lear. Oh and did i mention leasing a hanger to store it?
    Which is why you lease it out when its not used. 100 million after taxes? The cost of a jet and its upkeep is a couple drops of piss in a bucket, especially after renting/leasing it. Do it right and you could easily MAKE money while owning a jet.

    The model I use is one that I read in forbes from a recent lotto winner. His plan is to become a billionaire within 10-15 years. He has a team of financial advisers who suggest how he spends his money.
    Last edited by newbrew; 03-07-2007 at 10:35 PM.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    how do you figure that? looks like a good plan to me.........who are you to judge what he wants and would do with money.......what would you give it to charity or something retarded? If i won the lottery not one red cent would i give away to people outside my family......if i win i deserve it and i'm gonna spend it however the hell i want.....if you wanna give it away or something fine....but don't chastise those that put themselves first like i believe they should
    His plan looks like a selfish child wrote it.

    He gets 100 mil and gives his grand parents 200,000. My god that is disgusting, how about giving them 5-10 million, how about starting a charity, how about giving a few million to your parents, brothers, sisters................... Typical young Republican who has no idea what is important in life.

  21. #21
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by newbrew
    Really, whats wrong with the way I'd spend it? 85% of what I win would go directly into invesments. Sounds pretty responsible to me.

    Not to mention I'd have some great financial advisers to guide me through it. I think I'd do just fine.
    true'd have a sea of financial advisors beggin you to hire them if you won the lottery......and i saw nothing irresponsible or wrong about how you'd spend that money.....but some people like to hate people with money and/or think you should give it all earned it even if it is the lottery and you get to spend every cent however you want...which is what makes this america

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason865
    His plan looks like a selfish child wrote it.

    He gets 100 mil and gives his grand parents 200,000. My god that is disgusting, how about giving them 5-10 million, how about starting a charity, how about giving a few million to your parents, brothers, sisters................... Typical young Republican who has no idea what is important in life.
    right.........ok here's what's, family, and bodybuilding......and how do you know jack about his grandparents????? maybe they're both in nursing homes or all four and they have essentially no expenses

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by newbrew
    The model I use is one that I read in forbes from a recent lotto winner. His plan is to become a billionaire within 10-15 years. He has a team of financial advisers who suggest how he spends his money.
    yep....that's exactly my plan too....billionaire right quick.....YEAAAAAAA BUDDDAAAYYY

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    true'd have a sea of financial advisors beggin you to hire them if you won the lottery......and i saw nothing irresponsible or wrong about how you'd spend that money.....but some people like to hate people with money and/or think you should give it all earned it even if it is the lottery and you get to spend every cent however you want...which is what makes this america

    My family would do just fine. Just because I wouldnt hand over 10 million dollars in a lump sum of cash doesnt make me irrespsonsible or a bad person. Hell, my immediate family probably wouldnt even accept 5-10 million in cash from me.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    right.........ok here's what's, family, and bodybuilding......and how do you know jack about his grandparents????? maybe they're both in nursing homes or all four and they have essentially no expenses
    $5 million - Split between my own house, shop, and lots of vehicles (including a 1964 corvette installed with a 2007 LS7 corvette motor and tranny)
    $5-10 million - Learjet I'd use for personal travel, lease it out when not used.

    $200 thousand - Give to my grandparents so they didnt have to worry anymore.
    $100 thousand - Initial money I'd give to a few selected friends

    This says it all....Pathetic

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by newbrew
    My family would do just fine. Just because I wouldnt hand over 10 million dollars in a lump sum of cash doesnt make me irrespsonsible or a bad person. Hell, my immediate family probably wouldnt even accept 5 million in cash from me.

    LOL.....mine would i think....but i wouldn't give 'em that much.....i'd help 'em out in all their businesses and stuff for sure......but i'm sure gettin those running would make 'em more money than they'd ever want anyway.....and hell.....i'm a billionaire in 10 years so they'll get some more money i guess.....that's the great thing about having more money than you can possibly spend....then you can give a little away and build shit with your name on it

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason865
    $5 million - Split between my own house, shop, and lots of vehicles (including a 1964 corvette installed with a 2007 LS7 corvette motor and tranny)
    $5-10 million - Learjet I'd use for personal travel, lease it out when not used.

    $200 thousand - Give to my grandparents so they didnt have to worry anymore.
    $100 thousand - Initial money I'd give to a few selected friends

    This says it all....Pathetic
    being successful in life requires being what you consider selfish......i'm gonna get everything i want before i start givin shit away and i want a WHOLE LOT

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    being successful in life requires being what you consider selfish......i'm gonna get everything i want before i start givin shit away and i want a WHOLE LOT

    The thread is a fantasy, not about hard work to achieve success....ROFL go out and make 100 million son and then we can talk.

    I'm done, this thread is kindergarten

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason865
    $5 million - Split between my own house, shop, and lots of vehicles (including a 1964 corvette installed with a 2007 LS7 corvette motor and tranny)
    $5-10 million - Learjet I'd use for personal travel, lease it out when not used.

    $200 thousand - Give to my grandparents so they didnt have to worry anymore.
    $100 thousand - Initial money I'd give to a few selected friends

    This says it all....Pathetic
    What's it say? That I dont need to or plan to buy friendship or love from my family? My family takes pride in earning their own money, they dont accept handouts. It'd be hard to even give them 200k.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I'd invest 20 million.
    Then keep 80 million to buy cars, houses, a gym, a boat, etc.
    1 house in Boston
    1 house in Florida
    1 house in California
    Then leave 20 million in an open account for my family to use at their disgression. woot. to invest so much is stupid. you've never seen a brinks truck following a funeral have you? bwhaha

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    for 100,000 u could have someone make everlasting preserved dolls out of your grandparents..
    that way you can display them, at your mansion.
    your future children and grandchildren could see for themselves where all your success sort of started.

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason865
    The thread is a fantasy, not about hard work to achieve success....ROFL go out and make 100 million son and then we can talk.

    I'm done, this thread is kindergarten
    oh i will......see i'm i would assume newbrew is......i don't know what you are

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    I'd invest 20 million.
    Then keep 80 million to buy cars, houses, a gym, a boat, etc.
    1 house in Boston
    1 house in Florida
    1 house in California
    Then leave 20 million in an open account for my family to use at their disgression. woot. to invest so much is stupid. you've never seen a brinks truck following a funeral have you? bwhaha
    SVT you forgot about what i said about getting immortality much do you think that'll cost? prolly like 1 billion all by itself

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks

    for 100,000 u could have someone make everlasting preserved dolls out of your grandparents..
    that way you can display them, at your mansion.
    your future children and grandchildren could see for themselves where all your success sort of started.
    lol.....good stuff

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I'd move to Arlington, Tx and hire Ronnie and Branch to be my personal trainers. I really wouldn't over do it on the juice, but I certainly wouldn't go with out the essentials and do it right. After I satisfied all my material lusts with cars, clothes, money, etc I'd buy my way into into the oil business and make myself the CEO. I wouldn't give my money away but hire my family and friends to work and pay them handsomely. They are the only ones I can trust. I'd definently would work, but any CEO I've ever had never worked over 30 hours aweek. I also wouldn't mind dipping my hand in the entertainment and sports industry. A promoter off some sorts, just enough to keep myself in the action. I would take off 2 months a year spending 1 in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and 1 in New Zealand. Other than that I would try and f_u_*_K a different stripper every night and I know Texas has some good ones. Sounds pretty good to me. On the learjet issue, if you have 100 million in the bank, are you really going to waste your time at a freakin' airport? Come on folks this a fantasy question, so me spare the "i'd keep my old job, stay humble and make every penny count" speech. Interest alone on a 100 mil would pay for a jet. As for the investing issue, if you experienced the power that a 100 million brings, you sure as hell would want more.
    Last edited by lpicken; 03-07-2007 at 11:11 PM.

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    rofl....sorry i killed your thread 'brew

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    yah thats not a bad idea..
    Become an investor..

    take the 100mil

    and set up a UFC or PRIDE tournament somwhere

    reap the pay-per-view loot or something..

    Be like the next Don King.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Exactly, money, much like steroids, doesn't change you, but makes you alot more more of who you already are and wish to be.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    SVT you forgot about what i said about getting immortality much do you think that'll cost? prolly like 1 billion all by itself
    House around Boston *smaller)- $1,000,000

    House in Florida (big) - $5,000,000

    House in Cali (Biggest) - $6,000,000

    15 various cars (avg $150,000 each) = $2,225,000

    gym - $5,000,000?

    invest 20 mill like I said

    so thats- $40,000 rounded up....

    That's still $60 MILLION left over for furniture, bills, family, etc

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by lpicken
    Exactly, money, much like steroids, doesn't change you, but makes you alot more more of who you already are and wish to be.
    oh......i like that alot.....

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