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Thread: hgh question... when? confused?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    United States Nashvill Tn

    hgh question... when? confused?

    ive been on jintropin for 2 months now. ive been taking 2ius in the morning and 2ius pwo. monday i start a pretty big cycle and was wondering if i should change when i take the hgh. im going to go to 6ius a day. should i take it all in the morning or all of it pwo?

    ive read on here when taking pwo not to eat for an hour after taking a shot. but i thought when training and taking aas it was best to eat right after working out. i usually have a protien shake right after workout and then eat about an hour to an hour and a half after that. so when should i take my hgh?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Split up the 6 i.u. in 2-3 shots. If you do it PWO only consume whey immediately and then you can consume protein/carbs/fats. 6i.u.'s should be fine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    United States Nashvill Tn
    thanks for the reply jdavis. i guess ill still split it into 2 shots, 3 in the morn and 3 pwo.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by lxxlr8s
    thanks for the reply jdavis. i guess ill still split it into 2 shots, 3 in the morn and 3 pwo.
    thats fine...just be sure to monitor any carb intake pre and post injection....

    should give yourself at least 1 hour after and a couple hours before, thats why morning is ideal because typically your on an empty stomach and then you can just wait an hour to have some carbs

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