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Thread: Cutter cycle...critique please!

  1. #1
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    Cutter cycle...critique please!

    I'm going into my 6th cycle and my stats are listed in my profile...tell me what you guys think about my proposed cutter cycle I plan to run very soon...all opinions appreciated.

    Week 1-8 Test prop 75mg/ed
    Week 1-8 NPP 75mg/ed
    Week 1-8 Tren A 75mg/ed
    Week 1-12 Proviron 50mg/ed
    Week 8-9 HCG 500iu/eod
    Week 9-12 Nolva 40mg/ed

    Plus necessary ancillaries "on hand" in case of gyno.

    I may swap out the NPP with Masteron @ 75mg/ed, but I'm interested in trying NPP and I've heard conflicting reports (positive & negative) of combining two 19-nor's in a cycle and I want to "trial & error" this one.

    Let me know what you guys think.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Looks Horrible, Terrible & Awful! Just kidding of course. It looks great to me man. I would probably run the Masteron. Just heard great stuff about it. But same goes with the NPP. Its really up to you. I hope you will keep a log of this cycle as i'm sure many of us would like to see how you progress.

  3. #3
    hey shrpskn,

    A rule of thumb for me is to run more test then everything else combined.
    I know you want to experiment with 2 nandrolnes, I wish you well, I got gyno from a similar combo. As for NPP I've run it once and much prefer it to deca.
    In your combo I would choose the masteron over the NPP.
    If you choose to run the NPP I would either quit that 1 week early or run the test prop alone for one week longer. The half life is 4.5 days meaning it will be in your system for around 9 days. Small detail but that is how i would do it.
    I like proviron.

    I know you know what you are doing so have fun and good growing/cutting,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    drop the nolvaex , use Letrozolo

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I wrote this on another thread but I like my test in short runs to be 50:50 long ester to short ester. hangs in after the run and kicks in quick.

  6. #6
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    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by elitetky
    drop the nolvaex , use Letrozolo
    And what is your reasoning behind that?

  7. #7
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    Thanks for the feedback so far guys...I want to keep this one short and after further thought and advice, I'm thinking of shortening the NPP and tren A down to 6 weeks, but go 100mg/ed. And run the test p at 50-75mg/ed...

    As for the test dose, I'm trying a trial and error cycle here and have read conflicting reports of whether you need the test dosed as high or higher than the Nor's, so I want to see how I react to a lower dose of test (hopefully enough to keep the willy working) and a short heavy dose of Nor's.

    As for the ancillaries, I'm going to stick with what has worked best for me in the last couple cycles...

    Any further comments are appreciated.

    Thanks again,

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic
    I wrote this on another thread but I like my test in short runs to be 50:50 long ester to short ester. hangs in after the run and kicks in quick.
    Interesting thought...but I think I'm going to keep this one all short-ester.

    I'll keep this in mind for the future tho.


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jagdpanther
    hey shrpskn,

    A rule of thumb for me is to run more test then everything else combined.
    I know you want to experiment with 2 nandrolnes, I wish you well, I got gyno from a similar combo. As for NPP I've run it once and much prefer it to deca.
    In your combo I would choose the masteron over the NPP.
    If you choose to run the NPP I would either quit that 1 week early or run the test prop alone for one week longer. The half life is 4.5 days meaning it will be in your system for around 9 days. Small detail but that is how i would do it.
    I like proviron.

    I know you know what you are doing so have fun and good growing/cutting,
    I sincerely appreciate your feedback...I've found myself not to be gyno-prone and have kept any potential gyno well in check with past cycles.

    This is another reason I'm interested in experimenting with two Nor's in the stack...and as I posted in an above post...I'm going to see how the lower dose test is going to treat me...I've read some say that is all you need and others say you have to run more test than Nor's.

    I backed the NPP and tren A down to 6 weeks, but at 100mg/ed and I'll keep the test p for 8 weeks at 50-75mg/ed...hopefully enough to keep the drive going...if not, I can always up the test p dose.

    So this is what the cycle may look like now:

    Week 1-8 Test P @ 50-75mg/ed
    Week 1-6 NPP @ 100mg/ed
    Week 1-6 Tren A @ 100mg/ed
    Week 1-12 Proviron @ 50mg/ed
    Week 7-8 HCG @ 500iu/eod
    Week 9-12 Nolva @ 20-40mg/ed

    Can anyone suggest what they think would be a good oral to add to the stack...remember, this is a cutter.

    Thanks for any comments,

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    my cycle looks very similar to yours except masteron instead of the NPP. will be my first time using masteron though. excited to say the least

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    As for the test dose, I'm trying a trial and error cycle here and have read conflicting reports of whether you need the test dosed as high or higher than the Nor's, so I want to see how I react to a lower dose of test (hopefully enough to keep the willy working) and a short heavy dose of Nor's.

    I'm interested to find out the results. As I said its my rule of thumb to keep the test higher then everything else combined, but I to have seen conflicting reports on this. Keep us in the loop.

    After Edit:
    Just saw your second post. My pleasure bro.
    I love anavar and tbol. I've run anavar at 60 -100mg ED and t-bol at 50mg ed.
    Not sure there was any difference between 80mg and 100mg. Both are relativley mild as far as 17A orals go. I have run both together before and would do it again. I don't feel its right to recomend running both at the same time though. That is apersonal call.
    Last edited by jagdpanther; 03-17-2007 at 06:11 PM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fjock
    my cycle looks very similar to yours except masteron instead of the NPP. will be my first time using masteron though. excited to say the least
    You will love the has to be my favorite cutting compound so far...I've ran it in past cycles and exactly like the one I have above except no NPP and it went out 10 weeks...

    In fact, my favorite cut stack to date has been Test p, Tren a, and Masteron.

    I've never ran NPP so well see...

    Good luck with your cycle...I'm sure you'll love it.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jagdpanther
    I'm interested to find out the results. As I said its my rule of thumb to keep the test higher then everything else combined, but I to have seen conflicting reports on this. Keep us in the loop.
    When I make the final decision of what I will do with this, I'll let you guys know...I'll probably keep a cycle log and post some progress pics as well.

    Thanks for the feedback,

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    welp i guess i cant hold back anymore.. lol
    ok first thing first is if ur running lots of nor.. i would keep test low as i dont like lots of aromitization going on when im opening up my progest recepts..
    2ndly i have ran deca/tren together.. and all i can say is it was Great. What is odd is my joints feel much.. more.. CUSHIONED on deca.. even w/ a shorter ester so that is a 2nd reason i love tren/deca type of combo.. as tren no only dries me out but w/ the increasing str.. it puts hell on my connective tissue.

    but imo it would far more effective to substitute a strong dht and replace one of the nor groups.. i personally would swap NPP for Mast or win.
    OR replace tren w/ drol.. that is how i would revamp it.

    and for a final note.. the person that suggested letro.. is nothing more than a 3rd world imbecile.

    good luck w/ the cycle.

  15. #15
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    ^ Thanks alot for the response Tai...I'm not set on it yet...I may swap out the NPP for masteron I mentioned in the first post of this thread...but I do want to try the NPP out someday...I've heard good things about it and Deca has treated me good in the past.

    Test p, tren a, and masteron has been my favorite stack to date, but I was thinking of experimenting here.

    I'll keep you guys updated.

    Thanks again,

  16. #16
    I think some sort of anti prolactin/progestin during the cycle when nors are involved would make recovery easier ?

  17. #17
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    ^^ Yes, most definitely...any time I run a 19-nor compound, I have some cabergoline on hand...didn't mention that above, but it is in the equation.

  18. #18
    So you just keep it on hand or you actually use it ?

    Damnit, I was gonna say more but I forget now, ****......................

  19. #19
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    ^ I have used it before...sexual side effects were surprising to say the least...

    I have ran Tren or Deca before and didn't have a need for it...I still have it just in case.
    I'm not as sensitive to the 19-nor family as some are...niether potential forms of AAS induced gyno has ever been an issue for me.

    The last couple cycles I've ran, all I used for AI effects was Proviron and water bloat or gyno has never been an issue so far.

  20. #20
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    Reason Iwould use masteron over npp is that is that it doubles as an anti e so when cutting it is a really ncie way to keep the bloat off and keep you looking hard. I didn't like deca much but when I used masteron I loved it. Never looked so good.

  21. #21
    Use masteron and npp ?

  22. #22
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Use masteron and npp ?
    thats wat i was thinking.. still get to use NPP... and using it alone will give u better understanding since tren is so strog it will most likely mask all of the effects from NPP.. and since masteron isnt over powering and is a dht .. and he has already used it.. he will be able to still recognize the gains from npp..

  23. #23
    I am using this right now:

    100mg ED:
    test prop
    nandrolone prop

    I was thinkin about adding tren since I am not getting great results anymore, or up the dose of test and/or masteron.

  24. #24
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    I am using this right now:

    100mg ED:
    test prop
    nandrolone prop

    I was thinkin about adding tren since I am not getting great results anymore, or up the dose of test and/or masteron.
    up the NOR group shud make quite a difference.. when u up it .. do a type of frontload

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    up the NOR group shud make quite a difference.. when u up it .. do a type of frontload

    well the problem with that is if I go too high with nandrolone, I just get really really tired and I become useless, just extreme lethargy basically. hard to get blood taken ASAP when I feel like that and I dont even know if that is the cause (RBC count).

  26. #26
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    well the problem with that is if I go too high with nandrolone, I just get really really tired and I become useless, just extreme lethargy basically. hard to get blood taken ASAP when I feel like that and I dont even know if that is the cause (RBC count).
    yeah i dont have that prob w/ nor per say but i do w/ Androgens thats why i try to keep test as low as possible.. espeically when running tren in conjunction.. but yeah i know wat ur talkin bout.. up the sit outta the DHT then.. since thats where a buttload of ur anabolism will come from.

  27. #27
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    Thanks tons for all the input here fellas...I really appreciate it.

    I will think on this one and do a little more digging around before I make the final call...I will post my final cycle proposition before I make the buy.

    Any other advice or input is still welcome.

    I see skullsmasher is suspended...I havent been around the last couple days...I musta missed somfin?

    Anyway, thanks again guys,

  28. #28
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    Thanks tons for all the input here fellas...I really appreciate it.

    I will think on this one and do a little more digging around before I make the final call...I will post my final cycle proposition before I make the buy.

    Any other advice or input is still welcome.

    I see skullsmasher is suspended...I havent been around the last couple days...I musta missed somfin?

    Anyway, thanks again guys,
    yeah i kant figure it out either but im diggin..

  29. #29
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    hey bro, cycle looks good, i would keep it as it is, dont swap out any compounds unless you really feel the need to.

    Like you stated you have never ran NPP, so i say stick with it and see how your body reacts (gains/sides) no need to swap it with masteron.

    All in all which ever way you go im sure you will reach the goal(s) that you have set for the upcoming cycle, and as you start to finalize things, post up the revamped version for a final critique.

    Best of luck to you bro

  30. #30
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    Hey...thanks alot GHO5T...long tiime no see've ya been?

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    hey bro, cycle looks good, i would keep it as it is, dont swap out any compounds unless you really feel the need to.

    Like you stated you have never ran NPP, so i say stick with it and see how your body reacts (gains/sides) no need to swap it with masteron.

    All in all which ever way you go im sure you will reach the goal(s) that you have set for the upcoming cycle, and as you start to finalize things, post up the revamped version for a final critique.

    Best of luck to you bro
    i aggree w/ this but imo if ur going to run a virgin compound i say dnt run it w/ tren LOL as u wont see its full effects
    but of course.. w/o tren u dont have a cycle

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i aggree w/ this but imo if ur going to run a virgin compound i say dnt run it w/ tren LOL as u wont see its full effects
    but of course.. w/o tren u dont have a cycle
    Hmm...this is starting to perplex me.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    Hey...thanks alot GHO5T...long tiime no see've ya been?
    Good bro just been really busy with my current cycle, and im thinking of competing this summer so its been diet and training 24/7 as i want a top finish.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i aggree w/ this but imo if ur going to run a virgin compound i say dnt run it w/ tren LOL as u wont see its full effects
    but of course.. w/o tren u dont have a cycle
    very true

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