OK so Ive been doing the Bill Starr 5x5 for a few weeks. This is the second time that I have done used this workout. Last time I did it for 9 weeks and gained a solid 7 lbs.
Body stats:
5' 7"
162 lbs.
8% BF
Current lifts:
Flat Bench: 265
Decline: 275 x 2
Deadlift: 300 x 5
Squat: 225 x 8 ATG
Dips: bodyweight + 115lbs. x 5
Well, the 5x5 is only a three day workout but it really packs on some size and strength. Im just concerned as to whether or not it is the right workout for the cycle Im about to do. I want to do what will give me maximum growth.
Heres my cycle:
Weeks 1 - 4: Test Prop 100mg EOD, Dbol 50mg. ED, Test E 600mg. a week
Deca 500mg. a week
Weeks 4-12 Test 750. mg a week, Deca 500mg. a week
Weeks 12 - 14: Test 750 mg. a week
Of course I have my PCT in place and A-dex @ .5mg ED.
( THis is my fourth cycle)
Do you guys think that I should stick with the 5x5 and m,aybe throw in some isolation exercises?
Or should I switch up to a 5 day training split, doing basically a body part a day?
Help a brother out here because I really want to get the most out of my cycle.
Heres a link to the Bill Starr 5x5: