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Thread: Help with clen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Help with clen

    Hello everyone

    I'm new here. I'm a young female, about 5'3" and 105 lb. I've lowered my calorie intake to 600 cal a day for about the past 6-7 months and have lost 20 lb, but then stopped loosing weight at 105, I've been at this weight for about 2-3 months now. I started taking clen to drop the last 10-15 pounds off. I am planning on doing two weeks on and two weeks off, I just finished with the first two weeks doing 80 mcg a day but I havent lost a pound. The first few days I felt the increased heart rate and shaving and everything so I assume I got the real thing? I know clen is supposed to increase muscle mass but I havent been working out at all. Should I increase my dose? Try a little longer at this dose? Is there anything else you would recommend I try that isnt absolutly awful for me?

    Another quick question -- I had a lood test taken for something completly unrelated, clen wont show up right?

    I'm a little bit desperate to get these pounds off, it seems I've tried everything. Thank you so, so much for your help!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    What kind of cardio are you doing and at what times?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes
    diet?btw welcome

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    I dont do much excersize, I usually do jump rope 3 times a week for about 15 min, usually later in the day. As far as diet, I'm a vegetarian - I eat lots of raw fruits and veggies but use up most of my calories for dessert.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes
    bingo, no fruit for a start. do 30min cardio in morning on empty stomach,rope is excellent. no dessert full stop. no sugar full stop this includes juice. only drink water and green tea-no sugar.try and stick to green veggies as they contain less sugar. i know your vegetarian but do you eat eggs?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes
    cardio at least 5 times a week, try every day dont go two days a row without, have green tea before cardio, otherwise empty stomach.
    dont know bout your blood test.
    try to eat throughout whole day every 2 hours and dont eat 3hrs before sleep. whats your main source of protein? lower carbs to absouloute minimim.once a week have some oats in the morning and take fish oil tablets,i dont know how strict vegie you are.also much on some nuts throughout day.
    Last edited by auslifta; 03-20-2007 at 12:48 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes
    sorry to hog thread, but eat avocardo too you need to eat good fats, because your body will hold on to your fat thinking its not getting anymore, drink lots of water
    Last edited by auslifta; 03-20-2007 at 01:27 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    ^ thanks a lot for all the tips. Lowering sugars is tough for me but I'll try. I always thought it doesnt matter where the calories come from as long as I stay below my limit? I never knew that about fats, I'll try the avacado and the fish oil too. Really appreciate the help!

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