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Thread: torn hamstrings

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Unhappy torn hamstrings

    just wanted to know peoples experiences with recovering from torn strained hamstrings. I play rugby and it seems everytime i play i tear my hami. i do a correct warm up, stretch and cooldown but usually in the last 10-15 minutes of a game i injure myself. I have consulted a physiotherapist who administers ultra-sound, massage etc. Now i have taken about a month off playing, went to training tonight and felt fine but when i got home the area of my last tear was tender when i stretched it out. Does anyone have any good ideas to prevent this happening again, i have a game on the weekend and i dont want to miss it. I have been training my legs at the gym only once every 14 days concentrating on hami strength/endurance as well

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    work on core strength such as abdominals and obliques. theres probably tightness in your back as well as your hamstrings cuz ur hamstrings connect to ur back more or less. remember over stretching can lead to injury too. its more about getting the blood moving. do you do dynamic or static stretches or both?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    yes i have a sneaking suspicion that my back could be causing a good deal of the problem, i do both static then dynamic stretches, ive started to wear thermo skins on my thighs as well, i think i need to stretch out my lower back, i'll have to find a good stretch/warm-up program for the whole area

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Indiana. My phallus is bigger than Nathan's!
    with a torn muscle getting back to previous health can be iffy. I tore a muscle in my back 3+ years ago and it never healed right. i still cant do power cleans or deads and my squat is 100 lbs short of where it was. I talked to my brother (who's a medical resident) and he said many torn muscles require surgery to put them back correctly. i havent had health insurance (being a grad student and now a postdoc sucks) so i couldnt afford it. now most likely ill need surgery to remove scar tissue.

    you could be in the same boat. i find stretching helps a lot. mainly static stuff. dynamic isnt so good as it increases chance of injury (even when done correctly). you might try proprioreceptive stretching as many rehab people do. never done it cause its tough to do with the back.

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