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Thread: 2 Years After Deca - Need Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    2 Years After Deca - Need Advice

    Hi all! Thanks in advance for the reply. To make a long story short I did a cycle of just Deca about 2 years ago. Unfortunately, back then I didnt read up on how to properly do a cycle. I have some questions and was hoping to get some help.
    I had a little gyno develop (or what I believe is gyno) but its really not bad at all. Anything to help reduce the gyno?

    1. I would like to do a cycle that is not going to make me massive, but big and also somewhat cut,but more on the big side. What cycle (stack if any) do you guys recommend? Im 26, 6 foot tall and about 188 lbs. Was maybe thinking of getting to somewhere in the 2-- something range and would like to keep what I can after Im done.

    2. As for PCT, etc.. What should I take before, during and after the cycle? Im trying not to get the same side effects I had last time (Deca Dick, and absolutely no sex drive, and some Gyno)

    3. What size needle?

    Thanks again!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    have you been in the gym or have you been off for a while? i wouldnt touch any gear if your just starting back after a long break. what kind of cycle did you run last time length dosages etc

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    lost in translation
    bro do some searching!, i will throw u a bone though. letro is what u need to reverse gyno. search in the pct forum for in this section for others with similar stats and situation for a cycle, and when ur all done post up what uve found and get it one is going to do it for u.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I have been to the gym, but not like I should. My plans were to hit it hard for 4 months then hit the gear.

    I did Deca for 10 weeks, dont remember the exact dosage, but it wasnt a huge amount.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Thanks, Ill look up letro.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    if your shooting glutes 23g 1.5 in otherwise 1in should work...i dunno man your first cycle was garbage try maybe a test only cycle

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Hi Guys,

    Did some research, what do you guys think of this, after a few months of hard training:
    6 foot
    188 Lbs.
    18 - 22% Body fat

    Week 1 - Sustanon - 250mg, Deca - 200mg
    Week 2 - Sustanon - 250mg, Deca - 200mg
    Week 3 - Sustanon - 500mg, Deca - 200mg
    Week 4 - Sustanon - 500mg, Deca - 300mg
    Week 5 - Sustanon - 500mg, Deca - 300mg
    Week 6 - Sustanon - 500mg, Deca - 200mg
    Week 7 - Sustanon - 250mg, Deca - 200mg
    Week 8 - Sustanon - 250mg, Deca - 200mg
    Week 9 - Sustanon - 250mg, Deca - 200mg
    Week 10 - Sustanon - 250mg, Deca - 200mg
    Week 11 - Sustanon - 250mg
    Week 12 - Sustanon - 250mg


    day 1 300mg
    day 2-11 100mg ed (every day)
    day 12-21 50 mg ed

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Actually, I have easier access to Nolva, would you suggest this over Clomid?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I ran deac/sus 400mg/500mg every week for 10 weeks, then sus and winny for weeks 10-12 at 500mg/50mg every day. Got some good quality gains from it in terms of bulking and cutting.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    What was your PCT like? And how often did you do your injections?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Injected every mondays and thursdays. As for pct didn't really follow a decent one as i didn't know much back then. Nolvadex after my last sus shot for 4 weeks(worked just fine for me atleast)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    good advice bouncer run the sust 500/wk and your deca is a little weak. not much though

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    lost in translation
    ok a cycle i like is;

    test cyp 400mg a wk
    deca 400-600mg a wk
    u can run nolva for gyno, but i prefer arimidex .5mg ed (ar-r is your ticket for a-dex,letro,nolva,aromasin,etc....)

    i like anthony roberts pct and im going to give it a try myself, its a sticky in the pct section.its a good read.

    now as for your bf % , most people are going to say u need to be below 15% to even start a cycle. and finally and most importantly, YOU NEED TO GET A DIET IN ORDER(yea i was yelling at u).steroids are not magic, they can put your body in a state where it is ready to grow.the only way we grow is by eating and and unless u want to end up a fat lard u need to eat clean. spend some time in the diet section, read all the stickies and get your diet lined up, then post it up and get it reviewed.make sure u post all macros for each meal, this makes it easier to review.i want to stress this, if you dont eat right it wont matter what u take, it wont do s***, and you sure as hell wont keep anything you might gain. i am by no means an expert on any of this but i have spent alot of time researching and i continue to learn more everyday, GL!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    every1 has covered everything else, but for needle size i use:
    delt: 1inch lenght- 0.8mm thick
    glute: 1.5inch - 0.8mm thick
    thighs: same as glute

    depending how thick ur gear is u can mayb go 0.6 thickness but i have a lot of trouble gettin it through. good luck on ya cycle

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by g00ruz
    Hi all! Thanks in advance for the reply. To make a long story short I did a cycle of just Deca about 2 years ago. Unfortunately, back then I didnt read up on how to properly do a cycle. I have some questions and was hoping to get some help.
    I had a little gyno develop (or what I believe is gyno) but its really not bad at all. Anything to help reduce the gyno?

    1. I would like to do a cycle that is not going to make me massive, but big and also somewhat cut,but more on the big side. What cycle (stack if any) do you guys recommend? Im 26, 6 foot tall and about 188 lbs. Was maybe thinking of getting to somewhere in the 2-- something range and would like to keep what I can after Im done.

    2. As for PCT, etc.. What should I take before, during and after the cycle? Im trying not to get the same side effects I had last time (Deca Dick, and absolutely no sex drive, and some Gyno)

    3. What size needle?

    Thanks again!
    read read read read with out this your setting your self up for more mistakes

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by g00ruz
    Hi Guys,

    Did some research, what do you guys think of this, after a few months of hard training:
    6 foot
    188 Lbs.
    18 - 22% Body fat

    Week 1 - Sustanon - 250mg, Deca - 200mg
    Week 2 - Sustanon - 250mg, Deca - 200mg
    Week 3 - Sustanon - 500mg, Deca - 200mg
    Week 4 - Sustanon - 500mg, Deca - 300mg
    Week 5 - Sustanon - 500mg, Deca - 300mg
    Week 6 - Sustanon - 500mg, Deca - 200mg
    Week 7 - Sustanon - 250mg, Deca - 200mg
    Week 8 - Sustanon - 250mg, Deca - 200mg
    Week 9 - Sustanon - 250mg, Deca - 200mg
    Week 10 - Sustanon - 250mg, Deca - 200mg
    Week 11 - Sustanon - 250mg
    Week 12 - Sustanon - 250mg


    day 1 300mg
    day 2-11 100mg ed (every day)
    day 12-21 50 mg ed

    I don't like they way u Gradually up the Sustanon.. Because it takes a full 4-5 weeeks to really get the effects of it. Than u gradually down the sustanon, which also seems like a bad move, cause at that point you will have built up tolerance to it.

    just go 500mg from 1-12... or frontload with 1000mg the first week.
    Around week 8 start using a bit of Proviron to help fight the tolerance you'll be building up.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks
    I don't like they way u Gradually up the Sustanon.. Because it takes a full 4-5 weeeks to really get the effects of it. Than u gradually down the sustanon, which also seems like a bad move, cause at that point you will have built up tolerance to it.

    just go 500mg from 1-12... or frontload with 1000mg the first week.
    Around week 8 start using a bit of Proviron to help fight the tolerance you'll be building up.
    I agree 100% with Pooks. Run sust 500mgs all the way through. There is no logic after countless trials that pyramiding AAS is beneficial. If anything you are delaying the effect while not letting the drug keep a consistent blood level. You would want to inject 250mgs 2X week, like Monday and Thursday. Try to inject Deca at 300mgs each week (1X week is fine) or 200mgs if it's a $ issue. No need to do that 300mgs at week 4 & 5. I am at the end of a 500mgs test cyp and 500mgs deca cycle. I got great results from this cycle. I haven't done Deca in about 5 years so it was great to stack it with test again. I'm stronger than shit at 230lbs at 15% bf. I am going to drop the Deca next week and run out the test for 2 more weeks then go into PCT. Also remember to run HCG is small doses like 500ius eod from mid cycle to a week after your last shot. You'll thank me for that.

    My advice. Spend a little more money and be on sust at 500mgs/week throughout your whole cycle. Do it right or don't do it at all. Just wait until you get get some more sust before starting. Good luck.
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 04-01-2007 at 01:18 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Hey guys great information! Thanks alot for the help. I will definitely follow your advice. Just a quick problem, wanted your opinion. I dont have access to HCG, nor Proviron. How much of a problem do you thing this will be, any recommendations?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    It is fine, just do a PROPER PCT at the end of your cycle.

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