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Ok, I was in the Mairnes 4 years, i'll have my A.A. Degree in the fall, and have to decide on a Major, I can't decide if its going to be Business Management with Human Resources track, or Finance. Im starting to lean towards finance, because with most Management Jobs they force you to move around alot. And with a wife and 1 kid and another on the way I dont want to be moving my family all the time ever few years. So im thinking Finanace maybe, I like learning about investing and bugeting and financial planning. What kinda of jobs are out there for finance majors? I was thinking something like a mortgage broker, or financial planner or something along those lines. But I need more options on whats out there for a finance major. Also some of the jobs I've been looking into are 20-26K starting with a bachelors. I can make that doing construction, so I'm looking more like 35-40K starting with potential after 5-10 years to be up around 60K. Also I want to move out of small town Iowa, to either Omaha, NE; Kansas City, Mo; Des Moines, IA; or Minneapolis/St. Paul MN. Sick of the small town life. Anyone live in any of those cities? Let me know what you think of them. If all else fails I'll try to go Iowa State Patrol but I dont know if i'll be able to lie about steroid use, other than that I have a spotless record and no traffic violations in the last 6 years, so minus steroid use I would have no problem. If anyone has a finance degree let me know what kind of job you have and what you think of it, also anybody that lives in any of those Cities let me know what you think of it/ Peace!