Anyone who feels their hair helps them from an appearance standpoint should be concerned about AAS use and hair loss. It is generally advised to be cautious and not assume you are safe from MPB (male pattern baldness) regardless of family history. I thought I would never lose hair until a 12 week cycle of SUS 250 suddenly changed my mind. At week 8, I found out that Mother Nature had MPB clearly in my future and I had brought it to myself years early through AAS use. This occurred about 9 months ago and I was able to quickly educate myself on how to fight and win the hair loss battle. Many of us here will just face the inevitable and shave it off. I am one who was not ready and chose to keep my hair as long as I can. I wanted to take some time and outline the symptoms, basics medical factors and treatment that stopped my hair loss and reversed it. I am not a doctor nor is this a promise to cure MPB. However, it worked for me and I believe it can help others as well. Here we go:
Why it happens when using AAS
First, AAS do not cause MPB, period. They do speed up the process if you are genetically predispositioned to hair loss. For those who will get or have MPB, DHT sends a signal to your immune system to attack your hair follicles. DHT is a byproduct of Testosterone and occurs naturally in your body. When you are taking AAS, the amount of DHT increases substantially and overwhelms the natural chemical relationship in your scalp. The extra DHT starts a series of interactions that cause certain hair types to be recognized as intruders to your body. These hairs are typically located on the top and crown of your head. Once started, the process cannot be reversed, it can only be halted and managed. You can restore hair, but you will never be free of MPB. For me, I calculate that I started the MPB process 8 months ago that would have naturally occurred 20 years from now.
Symptoms and Signs
The symptoms and signs of my impending hair loss were not clearly evident at first. I mistakenly thought I was experiencing side effects from AAS use.
1. Itching Scalp – I thought this was a side effect of AAS similar to acne. I was wrong. An itching scalp is a primary symptom of MPB. It is what occurs as your hair follicles are being attacked in your scalp. Anyone who begins to have a daily itchy scalp should begin treatment immediately.
2. Frizzled / Kinky Hairs – We all know our hair. As your hair is attacked, you will see them begin to change shape and texture. Looking closely, you will see that the hairs on the top of your head will begin to look kinky, curling, bent, hard to control. I have straight hair and these effected hairs were noticed when I took a good look at them in the gym. Once you begin treatment, you will find these hairs begin to relax and go back to normal.
3. Thinning / Whispy Hairs – Contrary to popular belief, MPB does cause you to lose hair permanently at once. True, hairs fall out, but they will grow back smaller and thinner. This is called the minuturizing stage. This occurs over and over till they are gone. As this occurs, you will find your hair becomes very thin and whispy. The weight and thickness of your hair becomes noticeably absent as compared to your healthy hairs.
4. Hairs Everywhere – This is obviously the biggest sign. Wherever you go you find hairs. Countertops, car, shower and bed. You will also feel them falling onto your face and shoulders. Running your hands through your wet hair will produce 5-10 hairs which is fairly alarming to those wanting to keep the carpet.
Attacking the Problem
The following advice worked extremely well for me. I have stopped and reversed my hair loss but know it is always waiting for me if I stop treating it. Today, I choose to retain my hair.
1. Dutas / Dutastride – This drug is available here as a research chemical and also on the web. It is the most potent weapon to fight MPB. Combating hair loss is an off-label use. It is primarily used to treat enlarged prostates. It works by reducing DHT in the scalp. I won’t discuss research articles and percentages here. Feel free to on your own. The stuff works. When on cycle I take 0.5 mg in the morning and 0.5 mg in the evening. If my scalp continues to itch I add another 0.5 mg at noon. Off cycle I use 0.5 mg each morning. I purchase a 90 day supply in advance to always have it on hand and to get a bulk price break.
2. Minoxidil - Generic Rogaine. I buy the full strength version at 5%. Used as directed, I apply it to my scalp after a shower each morning and right before bed. It works by reducing DHT in your scalp from a topical perspective. I purchase it at Sam’s because of price. Avoid Rogaine. It is overpriced.
3. Nizoral Shampoo – It is available in 1 or 2% strengths. I use 1% EOD. The 2% version is not available in the US without a prescription. You can find web sites to purchase the 2%. I have used both but really can’t tell a difference. Similar to Minoxidil, this acts on the scalp to reduce DHT. It is an anti-fungal and reduces dandruff and scaling which can occur with repeated use of Minoxidil.
4. Conditioner – I use a decent conditioner because the Nizoral tends to strip the hair of its natural oils and ability to be combed easily.
You can be prone to MPB and still do AAS. You can keep your hair and build muscle. This is what worked for me when using Test-based AAS. I do not recommend this treatment for anything other than Testosterone based steroids. If you decide, as I did, that shaving your head is not for you, then I believe this will help you. I am not an expert, but I do have my hair! Good luck. Feel free to PM me if you like.