I want to start my first short heavy cycle (no more then 5 weeks) in a couple months or so. Id actually like to keep the cycle around 30 days so probably 4 weeks. Im 6'2 210 pretty lean. Never gotten my BF measured, but I am definitely in the single digits.
Id like to bulk up and add a lot of mass. I dont really mind getting pudgy because I can always loose it later on. This will be my 4th cycle. I have run Sustanon, Test Cyp, Deca, Tren, drol, and dbol of course not all at the same time. I have never ran test over 500mg/wk.
Right now I have 40mL of Test Prop dosed at 100mg/mL. I would like to pick up some NPP and dbol to run with it as well. I was thinking about running the Test prop at 100mg/ed, but that doesn't seem very "heavy" to me.
I am just trying to figure out what my doses should be before I dive into it. What would one consider a short "heavy" dose. I have noticed that some people don't feel comfortable posting heavy doses on the open board so please feel free just to shoot me a PM if that's the case.