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Thread: Antibiotics and a cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Top of Illinois

    Antibiotics and a cycle

    Common sense tells us that we need to get over a common cold with antibiotics before we pump any gear.

    Many of us face the challenges of the cold, flu ect. with the use of gear, since it lowers our immune systems.

    However, common sense isn't always right! What do some of you think on this subject. Have any worked out at the end of a cold, for it to only come back or have breezed through it and glad you started the cycle when ya did .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    united kingdom
    antibiotics dont get rid of a common cold

  3. #3
    Thats right colds are a virus based infection and antibiotics do nothing for that.

    Some people get flue like symptoms when the start a cycle, this is not always because of lowered immune response. It can be the body adjusting to the oil we are pumping in.. there is a technical term for it but it I cant for the life of me remember it today So in my experience this is more likely to happen if you frontload your gear the first week, or are using short esters which means a higher volume of oil.

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