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Thread: Finaprop 175 (Experienced Please Respond)

  1. #1

    Finaprop 175 (Experienced Please Respond)

    Just started a little summer cycle. Some finaprop 175 from S****** Labs. Wondering if anyone has any good info on these guys? I searched and couldn't locate anything. Even a google search left me practically empty handed. Anyway, the reason I am looking for some info is because I kinda have a small problem. I recived on Thursday last week, shot .5cc per calf. Woke up Friday and could barely walk right. Today, walking a little better calves are less tight, but right calf down to ankle is swollen pretty heavily. I can't really make out where my leg ends and where my ankle bone should be. Just looking for some input from you guys. From all I have read perhaps I should have worked my way up to .5 per calf. This is first time I have done site injection, other times I usually shoot in glute or quad.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    DUDE! Is it Tren-Prop at 175 ?????

    And WHY the calves?? If you're looking for painful, hit the hamstrings!

    FYI - sounds like you're trying to get some localized gains from some retarded trend someone started ever ago that won't go away ... "site injecting". Which needs disambiguation, because, you're always injecting in to a site. But, if you're trying to get site GROWTH based on injecting in it, it will only be from inflammation. Sorry to say ... those are SYSTEMIC drugs you've imported in to your body ... and get transported by the blood stream quite quickly.

  3. #3
    Yeah, I wouldn't have hit the calves with prop.

    Stick to the usual spots, glutes are the best for prop IMO...or get some good painless prop. Stuff made with EO is usually painless

  4. #4
    Thanks for the reply guys. The swelling and soreness is going away, I am guessing the long ester is taking it awhile to subside. I will stick to the usual spots from now on. I guess you live and learn right.

    Thanks again

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Whistler, B.C. CANADA
    ya live and learn. I totally agree.
    I have shot my biceps, chest, traps, ass and delts... I wouldn't consider shooting my calfs. Ouch.

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