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Thread: need a Dr. opinion

  1. #1

    need a Dr. opinion

    okay so im taking chantix to help quit smoking and its doing a wonderful job let me tell you!!! good stuff

    my question is. is there any danger with taking chantix while on? tbol/prop/tren a?

    just curious as too any added problems with maybe liver and or kidney failure while mixing them all. i will be getting blood work this week to check liver levels and kidney fuction but im just curious.

    thanks again

    oh i am also on the oral acne med Doryx 100mg a day
    Last edited by aadrenaline; 05-08-2007 at 11:53 AM.

  2. #2
    ill bump this allllll day

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I'm not a doctor, but I don't like taking any other medication period while I'm on cycle, especially with orals.

    Why not wait till you have fully quit and then start cycling?

    Don't think you should be smoking while doing ASS anyways.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by juice4life
    I'm not a doctor, but I don't like taking any other medication period while I'm on cycle, especially with orals.

    Why not wait till you have fully quit and then start cycling?

    Don't think you should be smoking while doing ASS anyways.
    well im not smoking anymore so thats aside. ive been done for a week and loveing it!

    the only thing is this med for the smoking gives me insomnia and that with the tren ehhh we'll see.

    i know theres a doc around somewhere i forgot his board name.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Congrats on being smoke free then!

    How much longer do you have to take it?

    I'm sure he will give his input. That would be a serious kick in the ass if that stuff causes insomnia while running it with tren.

  6. #6
    umm they gave me a 2 month script. im on week 3.

    i sugest anyone else who has tried everything to quit to ask your dr about this stuff chantix. you continue smoking for the 1st week while on it then come off i went from 1 pack a day to 2 packs in the 1st initial week to nothing now. my healthcare didnt cover it so each month cost $110 for me but i only picked up the one month cause a few of my friends said they didnt need the 2nd and i dont think im gonna need it!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Well man, why don't you just wait another week, maybe 1 more month at max till your off and then start your cycle?

  8. #8

  9. #9

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