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Thread: PGCL Question

  1. #1

    PGCL Question

    So I've been taking 50 mcg twice a day for the last 4 days and I was wondering if anyone has ever taken their blood pressure 1 hour after injecting it? I notice that while I'm in bed after my night injection I can feel my heart pounding more powerfully (not neccessarily at a higher bpm, just more intensely). Could it be that this stuff increases vascularity by just shooting your blood pressure off the charts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    msg taiboxa he is on pgcl right now he will know all the answers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    that stuff is powerful, i assume it is causing your heart to pound harder.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Decoder
    that stuff is powerful, i assume it is causing your heart to pound harder.

    Its has to be from the PGCL, since it only happens after injection and I can feel it as it is coming on. The feeling is sort of like if you hang upside down, the way you can feel that additional pressure in your head. I would think it is a very bad idea to increase vasularity by increasing blood pressure.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Im currently running the compound, and im not experiencing any kind of sides related to what you are.

    Very interesting tho, how your your gains/results going thus far bro?


  6. #6
    Well I'm not dropping weight nearly as fast as other people who have posted. My diet is very good. I have actually had to increase my calories because a few days before I started the PGCL I was loosing too much wieght (muscle) since I am running 60 mcg of t-3. I would never compare its fat burning capability to DNP- just not even close for me. I seem to be hardening up quite well, and I am more vascular, but I would say that I have not lost more than a pound or two. I am also not getting what I would consider diarreah. It does cause me to have to hit the toilet an hour later or so, but it does not cause me to have diarreah. This may be why the scale is not showing dramatic improvement, since I am not dehydrating myself. So far, I only see this stuff good for thinning my skin and increasing my vascularity. I suspect that these benefits will be gone once I quit using it. Time will tell. I will stay on it for another 10 days to be certain.

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