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Thread: Tren e and prop cycle too long

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia

    Tren e and prop cycle too long

    This is my first non working summer after7 years so I really want to look my best, and staying on cycle all summer long would do just that , and then do an EXTENSIVE PCT during the autumn...


    My cycle would be (or is already) :

    tren e 400 mg E4D - 14 weeks

    prop 200 mg E2D - 2 weeks past that

    proviron - all the way through, 25 mg in the morning and 25 mg at night

    - taking liver protectants, kidney protectants, multis, ECA, l carnitine, green tea extract, eating very clean and healthy

    - no drinking, drugs, smoking

    - taking some sleeping aids

    The cycle starte on the 27th of april, no harsh sides whatsover....

    Agreed, or too long?

    Remember I've done quite a bit of cycles in the past....

    My pics from last summer....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    Oh yeah, and taking some sleeping aids, I'm sure I donn't have to explain that one to the tren users.....

    Actually the d@mn thing took quite a long time to kick in, I just started getting the night sweats, even though I doubled up the first dose.....but its cool , plenty of time....

    I'll be posting pics of my progress up soon.........

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    i don't know if i would run tren that long. why not run test e or c w/tren e, so you can inject together? would save on some injections.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Honestly, there is nothing set in stone with Tren. My advice to you would be to get your levels checked halfway through and to listen to your own body.

    Also, do you have a preference with Prop? (I'm thinking convienence here...)

    Clean bulk?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    Quote Originally Posted by getpumped24
    i don't know if i would run tren that long. why not run test e or c w/tren e, so you can inject together? would save on some injections.
    the injections don't bother'd run test e/tren e that long but not tren e with prop

    Oh yeah and the answer to your initial question is I just don't like the way test e makes me look bloated and sh!t....I don't do test e or even dec a anymore......was gonna try suspension some day but I'm reluctant to try it......and you can't get cyp in europe - among other things
    Last edited by bor; 06-17-2007 at 11:43 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    Honestly, there is nothing set in stone with Tren. My advice to you would be to get your levels checked halfway through and to listen to your own body.

    Also, do you have a preference with Prop? (I'm thinking convienence here...)

    Clean bulk?
    Yes listening to your body is always a good idea....

    YUp I really like prop and the way it affects me, so I've gotten use to the injections after several cycles.....

    Clean bulk - was a cutter so far, I?m gonnnna continue with the cardio but turn it into a clean bulk because thats excatly what i need right now judging by the mirror....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by bor
    Yes listening to your body is always a good idea....

    YUp I really like prop and the way it affects me, so I've gotten use to the injections after several cycles.....

    Clean bulk - was a cutter so far, I?m gonnnna continue with the cardio but turn it into a clean bulk because thats excatly what i need right now judging by the mirror....
    You and me both...I was just wonderin'.

    Ever thought about adding something at the end? Maybe a DHT? I'm not encouraging you to do more drugs...haha...Just thinking that it would keep things interesting.

    Pics are looking good though sir...You've made great progress.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    welp i have ran tren at much higher doses for longer and had perfectly a'ok everything. and during that run w/ tren i ran win around 150mg ED for 7 weeks (GOOD BY HDL! For me )

    one thing i noticed is test seems to .. act as a multiplyer... yeah weird eh? i worked have helped many people w/ their cycles and they all expereinced the same thing.. THE LOWER you can keep ur test.. the less harsh the sides are from tren BY FAR... so if u can run test at 100mg/wk and still have a raging bullet proof boner.. then GO FOR IT

    i run my test in a 'sust' type of fasion like 32.5mg/prop and like 68.75mgTestE. i run this every 6days "ruffly" and is by far the best mix for me for maintaining a TRT type of dosing regiment, but i usually just say 125mg/wk of testE for simplicity sake.

    assuming ur test is 100+mg/wk u shud have absolutly no issues w/ libido/sex assuming ur estrogen/progesteron krap is in check .. usually i use no ancillaries as i control estrogen via test dosage.

    now back to cycle.. when i run trenE i LOVE to frontload kuz it kicks stuff off HARDCORE but.. it kauses me to feel the sides IMMEDIATLY and 2x as hard nothing beats extreme lethargy/headaches to kick off a great cycle.
    so for a first timer of trenE or even a 2nd or 3rd i suggest no need to kickstart for in as lil as 1 week u can feel the enanathate version of tren.

    i say run tren till u get to where u want to be lol, sounds bad but its true since i cant say STOP when u platue as i have never platued when using tren due to its nutrient partitioning agent... 12-15wks should be more than ample unless ur just extremely greedy.. but i forsee no health issues w/ this run time.

    if insomnia gets too harsh (usually week 8 its taking its toll on ur immune system real hard) i suggest dropping the trenE for a while maybe keep going w/ test to retain gains give it bout 2-3 weeks to clear then 2-3 weeks to regain ur sanity from not being able to sleep then pick right back up where u left off.

    good luck as no sleep aids ever really worked for me against trensomnia LOL

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    thanks a lot tai

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by bor
    thanks a lot tai
    honestly i would add a dht of some kind

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    You and me both...I was just wonderin'.

    Ever thought about adding something at the end? Maybe a DHT? I'm not encouraging you to do more drugs...haha...Just thinking that it would keep things interesting.

    Pics are looking good though sir...You've made great progress.

    Thanks for the pics that was last year, looking ti top that by a longshot this year, like I said some new pics will be up soon....

    I did a month of oral winny, but i dropped since it would be too much stress on my liver considering the length of my cycle and all the compounds.....

    I'm using proviron, one in the morning, one in the evening, did you have something else in mind?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Like Tai said, maybe Drol or Win...

    No says you have to run it all the way through of course, but it might help bring some more gains in.

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