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Thread: Back Pain with certain AAS

  1. #1

    Back Pain with certain AAS

    I've used several orals and I find that when I use winstrol and drol my back starts to hurt more and more. It especially noticed it with the winstrol, which I know many other people have said it hurts their joints. But, I noticed it a little with the anadrol. I have used dianabol and found no pain in any of my joints. Wondering what this pain is from

    Also, I was wondering if halo and anavar did the same thing.

    I train for strength not size but can get as heavy as I want.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Don't know about Halo but when I was taking Anavar I got pretty bad forearm pumps, tricep pumps, lower back pumps, and calf pumps. I loved Anavar for what it does but I don't think I'll ever take it again because those pumps were so bad for me that I had to cut workouts short, couldn't even workout calves anymore. I guess maybe if I was doing a strength oriented cycle with 5,3,1 or 3,2,1 rep ranges I would probably use it then because heck even when doing my chest excercises my triceps would end up burning so bad that I had to take a few sets out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717
    Don't know about Halo but when I was taking Anavar I got pretty bad forearm pumps, tricep pumps, lower back pumps, and calf pumps. I loved Anavar for what it does but I don't think I'll ever take it again because those pumps were so bad for me that I had to cut workouts short, couldn't even workout calves anymore. I guess maybe if I was doing a strength oriented cycle with 5,3,1 or 3,2,1 rep ranges I would probably use it then because heck even when doing my chest excercises my triceps would end up burning so bad that I had to take a few sets out.
    Same here, I love Var but I get BRUTAL pumps from it. 3 sets of reg dead lifts and 3 of straight leg and my forearms couldn't hardly hold on to anything. (I typically don't use straps because I WANT forearm workout along with it)

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