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Thread: Letrozole Versus The others

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Letrozole Versus The others

    I would like a clear answer on this if possible..
    Some people say letro is a far superior compound than armidex..etc..And is better during cycle to combat estrogen related sides...
    Now some people are claiming thats it's too strong and it's overkill and that Armidex is the way to go...
    From what I have read it seems that letrozole is a better choice for many reasons, Gyno, acne, water ret., fat loss..

    Can any with experience with these products comment on this, as i have never used these products, I have always gone the nolva route...
    I just ordered my letro from lion I hear its great, then i hear letro is overkill, letro is great, no wait letro is too strong....
    Well which is it...
    I am going to run it at .25 ed, during my Tbol, Test E and Eq cylce......Because I like what I read about it under its profile....
    Last edited by juiceinthehood; 06-30-2007 at 08:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    GTA, Canada
    The same reason why you'd bring a r i f l e to hunt rabbit instead of bringing one of these to hunt the rabbit:

    With a harsher AI, more and harsher side effects come with it. I don't want to be pumping iron and my joints aching like hell. SOME estrogen is still required. Now, if I develop some gyno, THEN I will go ahead and use Letro. But otherwise, there is really no need. Arimidex and Aromasin apparently deactivate the aromatase enzyme enough to remove water retention and gyno. If it does the job, then there's no need to go further.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Huron, Ohio
    Just recently used Letro for 60 days. I have now been off for two weeks. It did do what I wanted it to do. I am still on cycle with Nolvadex on hand. Only side I noticed is achey all over. It did not adversly affected my strength. I would recommend this route if your problem warrents the strongest drug. Good luck...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    damn bro how many letro and pct threads are you gonna start in the steroid q and a forum. there is a pct forum. you would probably get more info there!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    letro can be affective in doses as little as .25mg day. 2.5 per day will almost eliminate all your estrogen. stay low and see how u feel. if your joints start to ache and your sex drive is in the toilet even at a low dose switch to something else. its being too hard on your estrogen levels and you do need it in your system!!!!! good luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by lex57
    damn bro how many letro and pct threads are you gonna start in the steroid q and a forum. there is a pct forum. you would probably get more info there!
    As many as I feel like. Why dont you use your time more constructively, rather than write useless posts to a useful question...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    lost in translation
    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini
    The same reason why you'd bring a r i f l e to hunt rabbit instead of bringing one of these to hunt the rabbit:

    With a harsher AI, more and harsher side effects come with it. I don't want to be pumping iron and my joints aching like hell. SOME estrogen is still required. Now, if I develop some gyno, THEN I will go ahead and use Letro. But otherwise, there is really no need. Arimidex and Aromasin apparently deactivate the aromatase enzyme enough to remove water retention and gyno. If it does the job, then there's no need to go further.
    i agree 100%, i feel letro stopped my gains in my 1st cycle and the sides, man not worth it IMO.but we are all diff and maybee u'lll be fine u gotta decide

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by juiceinthehood
    As many as I feel like. Why dont you use your time more constructively, rather than write useless posts to a useful question...

    what are you ten years old...."as many as i feel like" .... were you sticking your tongue out when you said that? my point is why dont you post these in the correct forum. you been a member here since 2004 and still cant figure out how to use a search button or how to post in the correct forum. how are you ever gonna figure out how to use letro? good luck!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In the gym
    boys boys boys... I will send you both to bed with no dinner!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lifts-a-lot
    boys boys boys... I will send you both to bed with no dinner!

    sorry Sir , i need to eat.......

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lifts-a-lot
    boys boys boys... I will send you both to bed with no dinner!
    as you see the only one that has posted this nonsense is him everyone is just discussing the topic..lmao
    This clown is not even worth arguing with

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by juiceinthehood
    as you see the only one that has posted this nonsense is him everyone is just discussing the topic..lmao
    This clown is not even worth arguing with
    lmao...... gee i wonder what clown could have gotten your letro posts MOVED TO THE CORRECT FORUM. i know i am not worth arguing with because i am right and you would be wasting your time. it gets frustrating when newbies wanna post "hey is this lab good?" and in my opinion it is equally as frustrating when a person who has been a member of this board for 3 years cant post correctly either. if you wanna sit back and call me names i dont care but i dont wanna read about your pct and supplements while i am reading about steroid questions. and i think the fact that your posts have been moved should open your eyes to see that you should post stuff in the correct forum. there are enough newbies screwing up this board we as members who have been here a long time should try to help this board rather than just do whatever. go look in the steroid q and a forum there are about 15 or 20 pct related questions. why? post them in the pct forum. its not that hard.

  13. #13
    will the letro help you loose the body fat gained after your cycle?

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