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Thread: Gyno during cycle.... letro, adex, or nolva?

  1. #1

    Gyno during cycle.... letro, adex, or nolva?

    My last cycle (which was tbol 1-10, test prop 6-10) I developed some gyno in my left breast (no hard lump, just a puffy left breast with a bunch of little nodules/bumps) which apparantly came/developed when I added finasteride to the cycle......... I used bino's protocol for gyno and immediately jumped on 2.5mg of letro ed for about 5/6 weeks until the gyno/puffiness subsided.... I took a big hit to my libido and I could barely lift because my joints were killing me (elbows/wrists) due to the letro... but the gyno/puffiness went away bout 75%....

    Now I am on week 9 of the current cycle I am on (test prop 1-16/anavar 2-6) and I have again just recently developed gyno/puffy left breast again, no hard lump, just puffiness with little nodules/bumps.....

    I dont really want to deal with the letro sides that I experienced earlier again... so with that in mind what should i do?

    should I start using adex at .5mg ed until end of cycle and start of pct.
    should I start nolva at 20mg unitle end of cycle and continue through pct...

    Any suggestions greatly appreciated and welcomed!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Dude go with the Adex its a million times more effective than Nolvadex for your issue. Start at 0.5 mg ED and if it doesnt improve go to 1mg ED and see how you go

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