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Thread: Liquid Orals

  1. #1

    Liquid Orals

    Never had liquid orals before , picked up some clen and i have some insulin needles hanging around and i was just curious if i could use those, the measurments say 10 - 100 units 100 = 1 cc how many cc's = mcg's? Starting off with 60 twice a day, 60 would =? thanks in advance for any replies.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    The cc's you need for 60mcg will depend on the concentration of the clen. If it is from the board sponsor, then 1 cc=200mcg. So each 10 unit on the syringe would be 20mcg. So for you to get 60mcg you would need 0,3cc or 30 units on the syringe.
    If your clen is of a different concentration than above, just do the math to figure it out.

  3. #3
    hey thanks for the info, just want to get this straight, its not from the board and its 100mcg/ml 30ml so it would basically be the same things 3 units would be 60 mcg's correct? thanks again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Tgunz11
    hey thanks for the info, just want to get this straight, its not from the board and its 100mcg/ml 30ml so it would basically be the same things 3 units would be 60 mcg's correct? thanks again
    Your off on your calculations. For your concentration it is 10mcg per 10 unit on the syringe. So 60 units to make it 60mcg.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Oh and btw, do not start off at 60mcg twice a day, that is too high of a dose to start with. I suggest reading perfectbeast's clen faq, and follow his dosing protocol.

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