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Thread: 1.5 Year Progress - Need some motivation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Caliskrilla yada?!

    1.5 Year Progress - Need some motivation

    This thread is some motivation for me to get back on track. Will update in 4 weeks.
    22 years old
    5 foot 11 in
    Natural - no immediate plans for sauce

    Began lifting Sept 2005 at about 160 lbs.

    Bulked up to 200 lbs in April 2006 and was fat.
    Fat pic, 200 pounds, April 2006:

    Cut down to the June 2006 pics below.

    Been bulking since June 2006, but last six months have lost all focus. I need to pull it together NOW. I know I've made some major losses since January, hopefully muscle memory helps a little.

    Lots of ups and downs, I know my progress could be much, much better (June 2006 to Jan 2007 isn't much improvement, for example), but all I can do is continually try to improve and hope I never fall off completely. I can pinpoint alot of my slow gains is do to lack of sleep and missing meals. I start med school next year and I focus way too much on school for my own good.

    My question for now: should I bulk or cut? My eventual goal is 200 lbs at 10%. I may be 30 before it happens, but that's my goal.

    I've lost major weight and gained BF since January. I was considering bulking for 4 weeks and then reassessing. Any opinions or positive feedback?

    A couple more from today, to help assess plans for now:

    Last edited by Superballer; 07-28-2007 at 10:50 PM.

  2. #2
    definitely keep bulking man. i know its frustrating not being able to keep a low bodyfat % but just keep as lean of a diet as you can. with med school i dont know should be able to get to that goal of 200 @10% by the time ur 25 natty. u have a decent base already, good work!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Pilsen, Czech Rep.
    Just look in your new school and after some time you will see where you can safe time for your body and not just mind.

    Iam goint to 5th year on med.. trust me its not so hard.

    And stay away from AS. Easy way is way to hell. Cave: Per aspera ad astra.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    New York
    you can still stay pretty lean and bulk a little, bulking does not mean get fat, bulkin means to gain weight, you can do it keep your eyes on the prize and you can do it... just look at some nice pictures of pros, watch a few videos keep your diet in check and take 4 hours out of the week to train, you can do it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Agreed, bulk but keep the calories clean and GRADUALY increase them. Don't start eating 4000+ calories if you've been eating less than 3000.

  6. #6
    well done bro..keep up the good work.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    IMO, you looked best June '06 and not so far behind NOW (July 07). Go for a clean bulk... you definitely have a good starting point. Increase your cals and go up gradually so that you don't end up sporting too much bloat and/or unnecessary fat...and since you're natty, that happens more easily.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Caliskrilla yada?!
    Thanks for the feedback everyone. It's appreciated.

    Been spot on diet/training for the last week. I set some goals and will get er done.

    I'll post up some progress pics in a month or so. Though I'm natty, so it's hard to see progress in only a month, hopefully at least my weigh will have bounced up a bit.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    im source cheks
    hey bro dont worry, muscle memory helps ALOT. train as hard as your body allows and eat as much and as clean as possible to support the rapid growth your body can achieve from that muscle memory, and you can be your biggest/strongest in 2-3 months..youve got good genes and have put on some decent size naturally...just stick with it and you'll be sure to make gains that will probably even surprise yourself.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Caliskrilla yada?!
    Quote Originally Posted by thetank
    hey bro dont worry, muscle memory helps ALOT. train as hard as your body allows and eat as much and as clean as possible to support the rapid growth your body can achieve from that muscle memory, and you can be your biggest/strongest in 2-3 months..youve got good genes and have put on some decent size naturally...just stick with it and you'll be sure to make gains that will probably even surprise yourself.
    Thanks bud. That's why I posted up, those are great words to keep me going. So far so good, one week in and haven't missed a meal. Clean food, exactly to my macros. Felt good in the gym.

    Try to get my sleep going a bit better and I should be well on my way. 6 hours just won't cut it.....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    On the toilet
    Looking good bro.. I would def. go on a lean bulk you looked best in june of 06 and you will get back there in no time.

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