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Thread: very bad pct

  1. #1

    very bad pct

    First off I know Im gonna get flamed and told I was stupid but I already know that fact. I didnt know what the hell I was doing and it was before I read everything I needed to. Ive educated myself very well over the past 2 months but I know the people here know a shitload more then me.

    I finished up my cycle about 2 months ago. It consisted of
    test e - 500mgs 2x a week
    d-bol - 50mgs ED for the first 5 weeks
    eq - 500mgs 2x a week

    all for 10 weeks

    pct was hcg 2x a week at 2500ius each injection for 4 weeks and nolva at 20mgs ED for 4 weeks.

    while taking the HCG my girl got pregnant so I figured it was working smooth. about 3 weeks ago I went to the doc to get bloodwork done to make sure I was back to normal and my test levels were at 125! at first I didnt tell him about the cycle and he immediately gave me a script for test cyp and ordered me an MRI. I told him when I went in for my first shot about the cycle and he insisted I take the injection at least until the MRI comes back. So i listened to the doc and he gave me a 200mg shot last friday. My MRI is today. I just picked up another PCT consisting of clomid, a-dex, and nolva and was gonna run pheendos PCT. My question is since it was only 1 shot of test cyp should I still wait 18 days before I start taking the PCT or does anyone else have a better suggestion of what I should do?

    my stats are what ill get flamed for. im 28, 6'0 145 lbs (as of right now, I was only 130). My diet for the past year has been pretty solid 6 meals 250g of protein and 250g of carbs with 3 servings of different greens ED. I work each muscle once a week. I was only able to gain 2 lbs in 6 months and wanted the weight more then anything. My buddy is on test and has been for years and he told me he would lay out the cycle since I didnt know shit.

  2. #2
    wow, tought one... 200mgs of cyp isn't too bad IMO - but it didn't help to say the least.

    I would tell him that you are uncomfortable taking shots and you are interested in andro gel. This way you can get it perscribed and not actually have to take it (ill be suprised if he asks you to come in to rub it on you).

    Continue the PCT as directed, maybe get some mayoplex(sp?), get the levels checked in another 4-5 weeks and see whats up.

    good luck

    EDIT: I was wondering if the doc noticed your size, but now I read you're 6' 145lbs so lol, yea i dont' think he considered you a juicer (good thing)

  3. #3
    bump for anymore suggestions or comments

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    how many weeks has past between the end of your pct and the time you went to the doc?

  5. #5
    7 weeks

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    well bro I not sure why your test lvl is low right now. But if your LH is normal then your test lvl will rise slowly (matter of time). But the thing is that your test lvl's right now should have been higher. I think it's because you used HCG in your PCT along with nolvadex. You should have used HCG from week 5-12 (500IU) and then start PCT at week 13. Because HCG it self works supressing.

  7. #7
    no my LH and FSH and very low as well. Im on day 4 of pheednos PCT consisting of clomid, nolva and a-dex. im going to the doc again on the 13th to see about my MRI results and Im pretty sure he is gonna order more blood work. Im pretty sure my test levels has always been low. I read some of the symptoms and I fit most of them. only time will tell

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