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Thread: Hockey

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Who here is into hockey? I never really got into it, played roller hockey when I was younger, but never into ice hockey.

    I just caught a glimpse of it on tv the other day, and wow.
    Even though it seems boring, its a pretty hardcore sport. lol like every guy has teeth knocked out, and broken bones. Just a few days ago, some guy got nailed in the face with the puck
    Its like golf/tennis with the puck (hitting it/controlling it). Its like football with all the checks and hitting. Like boxing when they all go at it.....all on ice skates
    These guys are pretty tough.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Who here is into hockey? I never really got into it, played roller hockey when I was younger, but never into ice hockey.

    I just caught a glimpse of it on tv the other day, and wow.
    Even though it seems boring, its a pretty hardcore sport. lol like every guy has teeth knocked out, and broken bones. Just a few days ago, some guy got nailed in the face with the puck
    Its like golf/tennis with the puck (hitting it/controlling it). Its like football with all the checks and hitting. Like boxing when they all go at it.....all on ice skates
    These guys are pretty tough.
    I love hockey ... I don't watch NHL though ... imagine any of us going on strike cause the millions we make doing what we love isn't enough money!!

    FU@K them!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Vancouver, Canada
    I've always been a big hockey fan. Some people who have never watched it are suddenly huge fans because of me and my friends. I don't know anyone that hates the sport.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Hockey is freakn awesome...I played junior A....wasnt good enough for pros though!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Standing Above Weakness
    started playing around the street over the summer actually - its alot of fun. i'll prob get more into it next year.. my neighbors play so they always have the street stuff out.

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