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Thread: HGH for recovery and join/tendon health only?

  1. #1

    HGH for recovery and join/tendon health only?

    I have been using GH now for about 4 weeks... not yet enough time to notice anything...

    My question for all of you is, I sit around 6% BF or so year round... last time I was tested I was exactly 6.7% calipers and Im slightly leaner right now.. just always been lean since young. My purpose for GH is to help in recovery, joint and tendon health...

    what is the lowest dose I can get away with for recovery purposes and nothing else really. I guess Im hoping that at 1iu something will be seen or noticed long term?

    If 1iu is worthless then this last kit will be it for me. I lost my source to the us and all others are just to expensive for me to continue with 2-3iu's a day. At 1iu I could afford it but if other items are more worth it's use then GH has lost a customer.... haha

    Hope to get some thoughts from you guys...

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
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    If you are after recovery then you won't need much at all, you defenitely won't need as much as you would need if you were after muscle gains. Having said this, because everyone reacts differently you might need more/less than recomended but as I said generally you don't need much for recovery.

    How old are you? I probably wouldn't bother using 1IU. IMO, a good dose for recovery is about 3IU, but if you are an older user you could get away with using a bit less.


  3. #3
    I'm after the same thing and was thinking 3iu per day myself.

    I've heard that is a great dose for recovery/injuries and such.

  4. #4
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    It did nothing for my tendonitis.

  5. #5
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    Tendonitis wont go away when you are still doing the same things that aggravated it in the first place. I figured that out more than enough times and thought the same while I was on HGH.

    HGH helped heal my separated shoulder faster though when I was on it but I was also on it for a year. Now with everything going on in China I havent been on it for awhile.

  6. #6
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    had a bad case of tennis eldow last from golfing a lot. wasn't going away. after going on hgh ( 4 iu of jins ed ) was gone after 3 months. recently aggravated my shoulder, not bad but it hurts. hurts when i bench press and shoulder press mainly ( which i haven't done in 2 weeks ) can still throw a football so it cannot be that bad. going back on hgh hope it helps. sucks getting old i am 40 seems like i am always getting little nagging injuries all the time.
    Last edited by alny; 12-06-2007 at 08:20 PM.

  7. #7
    Thanks for the replys guys...

    Gear, thanks for the tip and ideas. Here is something to ponder on, I typically respond very well to, well basically anything I use. Im a powerlifter and my typical cycles are 75mg of prop and around 30mg of tren a day and so far that has worked amazing for me. 4 cycles of that, the first two were actually 50mg only and again the results then were awesome.

    Now, Im on 2iu's of gh right now for a month and Im already getting achy wrists, numb fingers, hands and feet specially. So, does this say anything? Or give you a different conclusion? Im 29 years old by the way...


  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blue_moon View Post
    Thanks for the replys guys...

    Gear, thanks for the tip and ideas. Here is something to ponder on, I typically respond very well to, well basically anything I use. Im a powerlifter and my typical cycles are 75mg of prop and around 30mg of tren a day and so far that has worked amazing for me. 4 cycles of that, the first two were actually 50mg only and again the results then were awesome.

    Now, Im on 2iu's of gh right now for a month and Im already getting achy wrists, numb fingers, hands and feet specially. So, does this say anything? Or give you a different conclusion? Im 29 years old by the way...

    The sides you are experiencing are typical HGH side effects. They won't stick around for long, but if they get too bad I would lower the dose by .5 - 1IU p/day.


  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy View Post
    It did nothing for my tendonitis.

    I believe you..but weren't you also taking alot of gear and using 10ius of GH ed and it was giving you no sides??

  10. #10
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    The gear had nothing to do with the pain in my elbows and forearms. That is from years of training and my occupation as a mechanic. The sides I got from GH were swelling of my hands and feet, numbness and extreme lethargy.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by alny View Post
    had a bad case of tennis eldow last from golfing a lot. wasn't going away. after going on hgh ( 4 iu of jins ed ) was gone after 3 months. recently aggravated my shoulder, not bad but it hurts. hurts when i bench press and shoulder press mainly ( which i haven't done in 2 weeks ) can still throw a football so it cannot be that bad. going back on hgh hope it helps. sucks getting old i am 40 seems like i am always getting little nagging injuries all the time.
    I'm 37 and I know exactly how you feel. I see all the young guys in the gym and I wish I could train like that again. I know I can push up much more weight than I am but the pain holds me back. I'm hoping to get into a different line of work, then maybe after I get shoulder surgery I can start growing again. Right now it's just a struggle to maintain what I have. I had big hopes for the GH but it's not the miracle drug people think it is. I'm sure without the constant daily agitation maybe I would heal. The bone spur in my shoulder ain't goin away without surgery.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy View Post
    I'm 37 and I know exactly how you feel. I see all the young guys in the gym and I wish I could train like that again. I know I can push up much more weight than I am but the pain holds me back. I'm hoping to get into a different line of work, then maybe after I get shoulder surgery I can start growing again. Right now it's just a struggle to maintain what I have. I had big hopes for the GH but it's not the miracle drug people think it is. I'm sure without the constant daily agitation maybe I would heal. The bone spur in my shoulder ain't goin away without surgery.
    You talk about being 37.. at 25 I have horrible tendonosis in my elbows and don't know what the hell I am going to do..except hope for the Gh to heal it.

    I can understand that it did not heal if you have to irritate it every day.

    I am willing to do nothing for a few months while i hope it really heals in overdrive.

  13. #13
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    low dose

    Quote Originally Posted by blue_moon View Post
    Thanks for the replys guys...

    Gear, thanks for the tip and ideas. Here is something to ponder on, I typically respond very well to, well basically anything I use. Im a powerlifter and my typical cycles are 75mg of prop and around 30mg of tren a day and so far that has worked amazing for me. 4 cycles of that, the first two were actually 50mg only and again the results then were awesome.

    Now, Im on 2iu's of gh right now for a month and Im already getting achy wrists, numb fingers, hands and feet specially. So, does this say anything? Or give you a different conclusion? Im 29 years old by the way...

    another guy like me late 20's and only taken low dose of juice and received god like results.Im also more of a power lifter/athlete.Last year I ran 1iu everyday for 4 months for recovery purposes and it was awesome, added low dose of prop.Got stronger than a small bull!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnycerious View Post
    another guy like me late 20's and only taken low dose of juice and received god like results.Im also more of a power lifter/athlete.Last year I ran 1iu everyday for 4 months for recovery purposes and it was awesome, added low dose of prop.Got stronger than a small bull!
    Like they say in the magazine's, "results may vary". Your also young with fresh receptors. Nice to see someone running modest doses and getting good gains. Take it slow and you'll go far.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by fossilfuel7 View Post
    You talk about being 37.. at 25 I have horrible tendonosis in my elbows and don't know what the hell I am going to do..except hope for the Gh to heal it.

    I can understand that it did not heal if you have to irritate it every day.

    I am willing to do nothing for a few months while i hope it really heals in overdrive.
    Well when I got tennis elbow from doing straight bar curls I wasn't working like I am now. I rested my arms for a couple weeks and eventually it healed. the problem I have now is the inner elbow that they call golfer's elbow. I don't golf though.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnycerious View Post
    another guy like me late 20's and only taken low dose of juice and received god like results.Im also more of a power lifter/athlete.Last year I ran 1iu everyday for 4 months for recovery purposes and it was awesome, added low dose of prop.Got stronger than a small bull!
    This is good news...

    I'll get on 1iu per day 5 days a week and see how that treats me... one way to find out.....

    thanks for the feedback.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy View Post
    Well when I got tennis elbow from doing straight bar curls I wasn't working like I am now. I rested my arms for a couple weeks and eventually it healed. the problem I have now is the inner elbow that they call golfer's elbow. I don't golf though.
    Were you on the GH when you rested your arms for a couple of weeks recovering from tennis elbow??

  18. #18
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    No, I wasn't on then.

  19. #19
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    for me gh helped a lot with a wrist injury, but it took at least 7 weeks before i felt any kind of effect from gh, and i was doin 5 iu a day 5 on 2 off

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by reconforce4 View Post
    for me gh helped a lot with a wrist injury, but it took at least 7 weeks before i felt any kind of effect from gh, and i was doin 5 iu a day 5 on 2 off
    Was it an old injury?

    What brand you taking?

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