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Thread: general advice

  1. #1

    general advice

    hello everyone...i am new a member to AR...first off let me say that i have read in detail just about every post on hgh and have found it very helpful. .i have been taking saizen at 2iu/day 5 days on 2 off for the last six weeks and am pretty happy with the results so far... this is the first time in i have taken anything... i am trying to use the saizen as a cutter.... i guess my questions are other than what has been posted is there anything that you guys would recomend doing to maximize the effects? it seems like the general opinion is to keep upping the iu's, will it still be effective if i take siazen in lows doses (2ius/day) for a longer period of time? also based on what i have read here i am beginning to consider slin what are your thoughts?...thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    hey beast,

    you are into 6 weeks of gh, at 2iu per day. You wont really see any dramatic results till after the third month. you can keep increasing your dosage to 5 iu per day. More than that, your target would be more of muscle mass and not for cutting purposes. good luck

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Everyone is different when it comes to what type of gains they get and when, but generally 2IU is a starting dose for most users. At that dose you are more than likely to experience some fat loss more than anything else. I am not surprised that you are happy with your gains though because you certainly have top of the line HGH, no question about it.

    HGH defenitely needs to be used for extended period of time if you want maximum benefits from it. Incase you're wondering how long for, I would say a minimum of 4 months of use is required for "noticable" gains.

    2 - 3IU for 6 months would be ideal for somebody who is after a bit of fat loss but IMO it's an expensive way to cut bodyfat, but then again I don't know how much you get your HGH for.

    Welcome to AR and all the best.


  4. #4

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