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Thread: When Clomid?

  1. #1

    When Clomid?

    I got off my d-bol only cycle 4 weeks ago and want to start my clomid to keep my gains but whats the daily does and for how long? how many mg per day? for how many weeks? i did a 10 weeks d-bol 40mg per day. thanx

    ps. the cycle was really good and i gained 10 pounds but now i am loosing some strength oh well...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Well sorry bro but all that weight you gained is probably mostly water. Clomid wont help as much as you think without you having throwed in any other as like test.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    ottawa, canadian monkey
    why D-bol only
    U should of added test or something like that.
    I would say start your first day at 200mg and for the rest of the week at 100mg. The two weeks following at 50mg. Those are ed doses
    some will probly say to start your first day at 300mg but I think u will be fine

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    ottawa, canadian monkey
    oh and next time u should think about adding test or something

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Why did you choose to wait four weeks after your cycle before finding out when to use clomid?

  6. #6
    everyone says you should wait 4-8 weeks after your cycle to use clomid so thats why i waited, and i wanted to use d-bol and deca but with deca u cant use proscar so i wanted to try just d-bol with my proscar. next time i am going to try deca and d-bol and stop taking proscar to see how i do. this cycle i know i will loose the water but winter is coming and i dont need to be as big. n-e ways i think i did wait too long to take my clomid i think i should have started like 2 weeks after the cycle, oh well i will try it now. thanx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hey Bro, this link might help in the future. Thanks to Big Al.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Forget using clomid there is no point using it now.When you complete your next cycle do it 300mg d1 100mg 10d 50mg 10d approx 3 weeks after last injecting your oil.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by zeemzima
    everyone says you should wait 4-8 weeks after your cycle to use clomid so thats why i waited, and i wanted to use d-bol and deca but with deca u cant use proscar so i wanted to try just d-bol with my proscar. next time i am going to try deca and d-bol and stop taking proscar to see how i do. this cycle i know i will loose the water but winter is coming and i dont need to be as big. n-e ways i think i did wait too long to take my clomid i think i should have started like 2 weeks after the cycle, oh well i will try it now. thanx have some SERIOUS research to do!! Everyone says you should wait 4 weeks after your cycle to do clomid??? Well, I have news, the "everybody" you are referring to have NO clue at all!!! When you start clomid depends entirely on the drug/drugs you are cycling. For example, deca keeps working for 3 weeks after last administration so clomid therapy should begin three weeks after the last injection. Dbol has an EXTREMELY short half life (of several hours) and if you run a dbol only cycle, clomid should be started THE NEXT DAY!! I'm not gonna flame you because you were obviously given some VERY inaccurate (and potentially dangerous) information, but dbol only cycles are one of the least effective and NON-permanent cycles you could do. Also, because dbol is a 17aa it is very hard on the liver and should not be used for any more than 4-6 weeks max. Did you even use milk thistle or ALA? As far as the clomid you have now...hold onto it. Do not waste it because using it now will do nothing. One more thing, spend time here reading and DO NOT listen to whoever it was that set you up with your previous cycle advice.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Originally posted by zeemzima
    everyone says you should wait 4-8 weeks after your cycle to use clomid so thats why i waited
    Please, tell us - who is "everyone"?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    remind me never to piss you off!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I gotta agree with Pete! When I read threads like this it really worries me for a couple of reasons; people doing a cycle with no research or planning and other people trying to give advise that can seriously hurt someone. Scary, very scary. I don't recommend another cycle for you until you do ALOT of reading! It's your body but don't fuck it up, bro!

  13. #13
    ok i will admit when i am wrong and the 4-8 week thing was wrong. it was 4-8 HOURS i miss read it so sorry for that here is the post i am talking about >

    i though it was weeks. n-e ways i did do alot of research on my cycle and talked to alot of people and it was a good cycle for me but the clomid part was wrong. next spring i am doing a d-bol & decca cycle that should be a little better whith keeping the gains. you gave me some good info though so thanx, sorry for confusing everyone.

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