What do you guys think about this compound mixture?
Drostanolone Prop 50mgs, Testosterone Prop 50mgs & Trenbolone Acetate 50mgs
What do you guys think about this compound mixture?
Drostanolone Prop 50mgs, Testosterone Prop 50mgs & Trenbolone Acetate 50mgs
The disadvantage to compounds like this is you can't adjust one single compound without adjusting the dose of another, and you can't eliminate a compound if you are getting harsh sides from it.
loos like a good mix to me. but i agree about the point ashfc made. one shot of that per day would be a good dosage aswel. perfect for a 6week summer cutter.
thats my favorite blend except the one I have is 75 prop/ 75 tren/ 50 masteron...its a great combo for a cutting cycle
I do agree that it is a very good blend, as far as common doses go.
guess you could hit up a couple bottles of test then end it up with a couple bottles of this compound...
Longhorn that blend sounds tasty..
Why Yessum I reckon it does... q,q,q,q
Looks quite similar to my next luscious cycle.. god I cant wait... the suspense is killing me....
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