I am 3 weeks into my first cycle which now consists of Test. Cypionate with injections of 250mg every 3.5 days(give or take a few hours). I am curios on what you pros think about my situation. Im 23yrs old 5'11" 175lbs with 12-12.5% BF.
Anyways my job for the last 8 years is as a mover. I move home and office furniture for a living so Im constantly lifting heavy stuff and always walking/running with furniture up and down stairs 6days a week (Never work on Sunday). After work I hit the gym hard, I have a serious lifting schedule of 5 days a week, and I eat all day everyday, and Im not talking about junk food or fast food. I have never been able to get bigger than I am, but am extremily stong.
Will doing a cycle which will cause me to get stonger also make me more likely to overtrain due to my job? Or should I cut back my work out schedule to about 3 days a week?