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Thread: growth?med weight high rep or heavy low rep

  1. #1

    growth?med weight high rep or heavy low rep

    would i be able to still see results if i were to do a similar training style that im on now to gain a bit more size? that is by doing only medium weight and higher reps . (i injured my shoulder several months ago and i my shoulder still doesnt like pushing the weights that i once used, but is handling the light med work no probs.) i do a lot of med weight work but include compound sets and drop sets most of the time keeping workouts short and hard.
    i have a lean physique at 12% body fat @ 85kg and just want an increase of mass just 3-4 kg. i have 10mg dbol and 50mg androlic only available, i have had good experience with them in the past but i was heavier then and i was pushing a lot more weight to get results. so can you still see results when training with lighter weights or would i be wasting my time?
    any response with experiences alike would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Don't do an oral only cycle.

    Best advice it to work on health for a bit. Keep the rep range around 8-12, to avoid re-injuring the shoulder.

    really the rep range does not matter as much, as far as building strength.

    You could keep the reps at 8-12 for example, and only go up in weight once you get to 12 reps with a given weight.

    Use the smallest increment possible for maximum gains too.

    If you want to make a couple wooden 0.25 kg plates, and add them to both sides, then switch them out with 0.5 kg, then put the 0.25 back onto that for a total of 0.75kg increase and so on, until you are have added the smallest increment of iron weights back on again.

    Progressive resistance.

    That is all you have to do, and you can keep the reps reasonably high while doing this too.

    Doing the same thing, but with lower reps, and bigger increments is really only risking injury.

    You can still make gains by moving up in smaller increments, and using a higher rep range.

    For now, leave the steroids alone.

  3. #3
    tahnks for the advice. i just wanted to try another cycle as im in the best condition ive ever been in but i have burnt off a lot of my fat and some mass and feel so much smaller now. a dbol course i thought might be all i need to bolster on a few kilos.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    read the tbol profile mate looks like one of the best orals to take by itself for some lean mass

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    if thats all you got then thats all you got,i would run them seperate 3 weeks each and keep switching back and forth until your out..may wanna try and get some anti e's together too but anyway
    there is really no one right answer since everyone reacts different to different workout routines but if you want to grow,the first and most important thing to do is eat more,you need more calories to grow as you get bigger you need more and more and i would suggest you droup the coumpound sets and me personally i would stick with basic exercises and the 3-8 rep range works well for me...but since you have a bum shoulder,just do what you can do without re aggrivateing it,the orals will help with the water retenstion to ease the pain in the joint...goodluck

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