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Thread: t3+clen +type of cardio

  1. #1

    t3+clen +type of cardio

    Hey guys im fully aware of the catabolic effects of the t3 however i was wondering what peoples experiences are in terms of cardio when using these substances (t3/t4 and clen). Im thinking slow cardio maybe a 4mph walk for 70 minutes a day will be a good method for maximum fat loss and prevention of catabolism.
    Also ive heard alot of people say it burns alot muscle but few people have actually said it happened to them so im just wondering if anyone has had any really bad experiences and also if people who have done the same cycle and lost hardly any muscle mass

    im 5ft 11 and 16.2% bodyfat, looking to get to 12ish in 4-5 weeks.

    cheers guys

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion
    Why would you use T3 in conjuction with Clen? Have you used Clen alone before? I have heard a great deal of info about T3 and all say that it is extremely catabolic. Some say that T3 and Clen have a synergetic (spelling) effect but I would be to afraid of burning up precious muscle.

  4. #4
    If you want to take Clen/T3 see if you can add some Var.. Var will do wonders for you on a cutting cycle. Also some advice on your cardion bro, dont do the same machine every time.

    I like to break down 1 to 2 machines per week.

    like treadmill 45 minutes 3 days then stepper 45 minutes 3 days, sunday rest...

    Its good to switch up your cardio machines as much as possible so you dont get used to you body doesn't get used to it. You'll burn a lot more fat this way.

  5. #5
    thats the thing people say but no one actually says yes look what happened to me with recorded stats... plus im only on 45mcg of t3 and i dnt plan going above 90. But i mean used in conjunction with slow cardio it will surely be more beneficial than doing hitt or even medium paced cardio im sure.... rite ?

  6. #6
    by the way i was thinking i might actually be people thinking they have more muscle than they do, so when the fat is gone they think they should be bigger , im not doubting that it is slightly catabolic but i think it might be a bit over exagerrated if that how u spell it lol. but im just a newb on this scene so im not sure

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion
    bump t3 and clen experts chime in

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