Previously have cycled the following compounds: dbol, test e, test c, eq, and deca
Test Prop 1-13 weeks @ 100mg Ed
Tren Acetate 2-11 @ 50mg Ed- (will be tweaked upwards at a fast pace depending upon sides)
Winny 6-12 @ 50-100mg Ed (thinking about staying at 50mg)
Masteron ? @ 60mg Ed
I read that running the tren a week after the test and ending it a couple weeks before ending the test is a good idea. This cycle will give me a great muscle-building environment with a mixture of test, 19 nor, and a DHT compound. I was worried about the lack of cardio strength while on Tren but I am hoping the increased RBC count while on test will balance it out. The only aromatizing compound in this cycle is the test prop so I am going to keep arimidex on hand. In the steroid profile it is recommended to run T3 to combat prolatin (25mcg/day). From your experience how necessary is this?
Also, I am keen on incorporating masteron at 60 mg Ed but not sure how long to run it at and if I should even think about using two DHT compounds in the same cycle. The masteron would also eliminate the need to use HCG and Letro while on cycle. Just some fine tuning that needs to be done here bros...thanks for your time.