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Thread: does nolvadex reduce puffy nips? {not gyno}

  1. #1

    does nolvadex reduce puffy nips? {not gyno}

    hey id like 2 know if talking nolvadex would help reduce puffy nips u c ive been bulkin on a hicg cal diet n have put on sum fat around my chest {no itchiness, swelling, soreness or lump} so i assume it cant b gyno its not noticable from the front but can only be seen from the side {perteusion around the nipples}
    i am around 13% bf and need 2 know does nolvadex reduce puffy nips? {not gyno}
    p.s will b doin clen followed by eca 2 help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Sometimes it can. Might want to try it with yohimburn and see if you get good effects.

  3. #3
    yohimburn is effective in apprx. 60-80% of "puffy nipples" cases.. if yohimburn does not work.. prolactin suppression SHOULD.. bromcriptine or selegine and hydergine.. some cases will require both.. as some puffynips are due to both estrogen and prolactin

    if it is FAT yohimburn has a 95%+ success rate..

  4. #4
    .. per above.. CHEST FAT.. important to be specific as some fat deposits are not A2 rich and may be due to insulin or other issues

  5. #5
    CC- you have PM

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