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Thread: not sure on how I can start a cycle with...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    not sure on how I can start a cycle with...

    I would like to start a cycle but I´m not sure how to orgonize it or fix one up, I´m 6´2, 235lb and would like to get to 255lb or 260lb, this is not really for competition, but for strenght and quickness for a linebaker position. Would a cycle help? If it does this is the stuff that i can get: norandren, equigan or equipoise, stan, stenox, nolvadex, primoteston, masteron, deca durabolin and sostenon. Some advice would really help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    take some time and read this board.
    how old are you and whats your training history?
    will you or can you be tested
    for what you want --size and strength---for football, you want to do test either in the form of sostenon or primotestin you also want either deca or eq
    masteron also can improve a cycle
    my suggestion without knowing the answers to the above questions would be as follows

    sostenon---4 (amps or preloads)a week for first 2 weeks then 2 per week for 8-10 weeks
    deca or eq at 400-500mg per week for 10-12 weeks(i like eq a lot more cause less side effects and if get sides nolvs will stop them)
    have nolvadex on hand if get estrogen related sides
    3 weeks after last shot start clomid to restart system

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