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Thread: suspension what pin size is best

  1. #1

    suspension what pin size is best

    Need some help guys, i have been using test susp by jurox. I have trouble with injecting this suff i used 23g and 22g and still gets stuck almost impossible to push. I tried evrything mixing it with winny and even oils like EQ and test prop nothing helps. should i heat it or shake it better or maybe use a 21g. Anyone use this stuff before i need some help dont want to waste this stuff even though it hurts soooooooo bad.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    I was going to tell you about using a 27g. My susp is not jurox, it's Steris labs and I sometimes had a freeze, but not often. Sorry I couldn't help.

  4. #4
    Don't give up. This is what i did. Set the bottle in warm water for about 10 minutes, then shake, shake, and shake some more. After all that shaking i had to let it sit overnight You can imagine it was all bubbles. After about 24hrs i tried drawing again I used a 22g. It was slow but i used that size to minimize the chunks. I set up with a fresh 22g pin and let the dose settle for a few minutes. I only had it get stuck one time doing it like this.

    Before i did the above i was starting to feel like a Pin Cushion.

    Good Luck Let me Know how you make out!

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