Hello all,
This is just a quick post to introduce myself. I have been reading the board for a while and decided I felt like I might be able to contribute to some discussions. I would like to say that I am not here to bust, spy or turn anyone in for any use of AAS. It is my personnal belief that they should be legalized and used under the supervision of a health professional. As a cop, I feel that any step you take to make your life a better one, should not be illegal. Our (US) governement has a lot to learn about AAS and it is unfortunate that the actions of a few have spoiled it for the masses.
That said, I would like to offer my opinions, advice or discussion input to anyone who would like to have it. Feel free to send me a PM or just post on the board. I will always answer honestly, even if it is not something you want to hear.
A little information about myself, I have been a cop for 7 years and the last 4 have been with a narcotics unit. I have been working out on a regular basis for the last year. Prior to that I was your average donut eating cop with the belly and all. The last year has proven to be a hard one, but a very rewarding one. I have dropped over 40lbs and probably added a few pounds of muscle to boot...I hope. I have never used AAS so I can't offer much advice there. I have used most of the OTC supplements, but they are discussed at length on this board as most of you know.
Don't be afraid to ask me anything you would like to know from a cop. I will do my best to answer your question completely, but there are some topics that I'm sure will come up that I will have to pass on. Wait and see on those.
Again, hello to you all and I look forward to interacting with you. If you choose to have nothing to do with me, that is perfectly ok and understandable, but try to keep the flames and professional attacks to a minimum.
Keep lifting and be safe!