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Thread: new cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    new cycle

    hey guys, new to the forum and have to say I have leaned more from reading in this forum than the all the years of pushin plates. Some very educated gentlemen that are there to spread their knowledge, keep it comin guys.
    I'm about to start a new cycle, have done a few in the past and responded very well, but with my work schedule it is hard to stay in the gym (24 on-24 off) my goal is to hit 215 with as little body fat (that is healthy) ,so i guess to gain lean muscle while cutting fat is my goal. My next cycle is as follows (don't have the gear in front of me so the names are excaping me sorry)

    Week 1-8 Sustanon 250 500-750wk
    Week 1-4 D-bol (reforvit) 35-45mg wk
    Week 5-8 Eq 200-300wk
    Week 5-10 winny tabs
    Week 8-12 clomid
    Week 6-10 Sten (2ml vials) twice a week

    Also Cytomel with an EAC stack. Not sure the cycle but I seen one on this forum that I liked but cant find it again. 5/55/40 cycle


    Ht. 5'6"
    Wt. 190
    Bf. 16-20%

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Thanks for the reply and info man. Flame all you want better to learn from my mistakes on paper than on the cycle. I'll keep reading...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey
    let me see if i could clean that up for you a bit.
    dbol 40mg wk1-4
    sust 500mg wk1-10
    eq 400mg wk1-10
    winny 50mg ED wk7-13
    hit clomid therapy 2 days out from finishing the winny.

    35-45 a week of dbol wont do any thing for you bro that's not enough.
    run the sust, and eq together through cycle. in the cycle you proposed by the time you would end the eq it would just be starting to kick in that would be a waste. don't know about the sten one of the other bro's will help you incorporate it into your cycle..

    welcome to the board, research more before you start cycle
    good luck
    Last edited by kreper69; 10-06-2002 at 07:39 PM.

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