im gettin ready to start my second cycle and am not 100% sure how much and how often i should use these or how i should stack them. I have d-bol to kick start then want to add deca 300 and test E. Lookin for some guidance.
im gettin ready to start my second cycle and am not 100% sure how much and how often i should use these or how i should stack them. I have d-bol to kick start then want to add deca 300 and test E. Lookin for some guidance.
What was your first cycle. What are your current stats; age, weight, height, BF%, cycle experience, diet, years lifting consistnatly?
21 yrs. old 6'3 225lb. don't know current bf% have been lifting for 4 yrs. but only 1yr. since first cycle. I ran tren for 8wks, (given to by a friend)
you cycle should look like this
1-4 dbol 30-40 mgs ed
1-10 deca 300 mgs ew
1-12 test e 500 mgs ew
thats how i would personally run it.
well d ball is really a dirty steroid it will make you break out if you are prone to that also anything oral has to go threw the liver twice dball is a mass builder there is safer ways to go like sustanon test cypionate if you just have to do the dball dont do it over 4 to six weeks and also take milk thistle with it you will need it you shoud really no your shit before you take steroids expecially the orals .neve do anadrol i repeat never do anadrol it is a death wish
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