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Thread: Changed My Mind On Sus 250 At Last Minute!

  1. #1

    Changed My Mind On Sus 250 At Last Minute!

    After listening to alot of good info about sus 250, i changed my mind and changed the sus with test cyp. (200mg/ml). I kept hearing i needed more sus with my cycle, which was right, as i only had enough to use 250mgs a week. Now i plan on frontloading the test cyp the first week and then running 500mgs a week for 9wks with anadrol 50 and a few other things. I have got great info from other posts, so with that said my question is simple...... WOULD ANYONE CHANGE ANYTHING ABOUT THIS CYCLE???

    CYCLE: (TEST CYP.)1-10WK= Frontloading 1st week then 500mgs for 9wks.
    (ANADROL 50)1-5WK= 100mgs a day

    Now the "few other things" are.... nolva and proviron and clenbuterol. How would you guys mix that in for good results? And also is it needed to frontload with the test as the anadrol is a jumpstart anyway? thanks for all the advice!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I think anadrol will do the trick in the kickstart. I would extend the cycle 1 more week instead of frontloading.

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